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Resetting the Cravings


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Hi!  I just started the Whole 30 yesterday.  

My question is regarding compliant foods that still satisfy cravings.  Along with many other foods that I crave, crappy processed meats tend to top the list.  I love hot dogs, salami, pepperoni, etc., but always have to resist the urge to eat them because I know how terrible they are for me.  Since reading the book, I've bought Aidell's Chicken Sausage and Applegate hot dogs.  I could eat them daily.  But should I?

If I'd like to curb the craving of processed meats, should I not buy the sausages even though they are compliant?  My head is saying yes, but my taste buds are saying no!  Will I still get a good result from doing the Whole 30 even if I'm eating foods that satisfy my cravings?

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You can eat  Aidell's Chicken Sausage or Applegate hot dogs regularly, but you owe it to yourself to limit them to no more than one meal per day. Your best experience will come from eating a wide variety of meats (and veggies). You should cycle through beef, lamb, fish, poultry, and pork and not limit yourself to a narrow range of foods. 

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