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Yes I drink my coffee with almond coconut milk, breakfast on eggs and insured bacon,had ham lettuce avocado wraps, really full but did eat Barry rested artichoke hearts with fruit. Ended the day with a bit of fruit and a learner. I had planned to eat some fruit earlier but was to full. Think maybe I need to move me fruit earlier. But so far I have stuck it to Whole 30 and my stomach area is much less bloated. I am loving life at this point.

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Day 6 down and noticed belly getting smaller. Today I am bored with eggs. But will eat them with onions, mushrooms and Spinach. Lunch is salmon steak and roasted sweet potato and regular potato. Veggies will be mixed. Dinner is salad. I still prefer fruit as a snack. Nectarines and roasted apples with a few almond slices.  Gotta increase water. 

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It's day 7 and I don't feel hungry....It is almost like day 1 after gastric bypass without the pain.  The thought of what to eat gives me images of yesterdays dinner. I couldn't eat even half and what I did eat was yummy. Think I may reheat for breakfast. I am not sure if 3 learners in 7 days is too much.. Gonna try to only enjoy one in the next week. Maybe I will cut one in 7 pieces. I enjoy a small bowl of fresh fruit only eating a half at a time. I love the roasted veggies. Today I will take the leftover roasted veggies and I will add roasted carrots and another sweet potato and chopped compliant hotdogs. After salmon for breakfast I wonder if I will be able to eat much more. My clothes are looser and my mood is good. I still need to drink more water.

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Yes it is day 8 ....I am so frustrated I cannot find non sugar catsup and tomato paste and any type of canned tomato. So after getting of on the wrong exit and driving for miles I bought a bunch of tomatoes to make my own. 

Breakfast yesterday was leftover dinner and I couldn't finish. Thank goodness one store had a Larabar so I had something for lunch.  Then roasted vegetables with ham for dinner . And last an orange. Drank more water today.. 

Morning coffee with compliant creamer

My breakfast today will be sausage and leftover veggies with an egg.

Lunch salad with chicken,mixed fruit if I can eat it all.

Dinner spaghetti squash homemade sauce 

Hope to get over slight constipation with dandelion tea.


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Day 10...starting to trust the food I eat..sugar ants....

Breakfast 2-eggs, sausage and coffee

Lunch shrimp with roasted orange and fennel over spaghetti squash. Did not like cailifloer rice

Dinner not hungry piece of celery with cashew butter and a small Apple got my water in..

Today I will brine my chicken!

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@Gmajune - would you prefer to keep all of your daily posts in one log in the Log section of the forum? That way you'll be able to look back & see any patterns emerging, or have a record of what you've eaten for trouble-shooting... We can change the title to something of your choosing too :)

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@Gmajune - I have merged all your threads into the "June's Log" thread that you created in the "Your Whole30 Logs" section.  You can just scroll to the bottom and type a new response daily or several times a day or however often you would like to do this. Please don't create a new thread every day. :)

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8 hours ago, Gmajune said:

Day 10...started out eating leftover dinner , still couldn't finish it . Got a mani pedi after I had my dinner in the crock pot. And the brined chicken was great. Again there is enough for dinner tomorrow. Glad I used a bag in the crock pot. It makes collection g leftovers easy. My hubby is 80/20 whole30. He must have bread and today had pancakes with bacon. Didn't tempt me even though I do the cooking. Had some celery and black olives. A couple of pork rinds for crunch.

Today I will brine my chicken!

I can't seem to eat lunch but whole fruit around 5-6 is just right.I am getting some more water in not enough but getting there.


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Day 11!

Today I confess to a sleepless night. I have medicine I must take at bedtime and I ran out and didn't realize it till a little after 9 pm.  I just tossed and turned most of the night. Around 5am I had some fruit I did not eat any on day ten. I was going to but I found some sugar ants by the coffee maker around 7pm yesterday and did not eat cuz I became itchy. So I went upstairs took of my makeup and washed my hair after I bleach wiped the kitchen counter and coffee maker. I know i was acting neurotic...But that's me. So now I have these huge bags under my eyes... Breakfast will be eggs and sausage, lunch maybe a steak with  roasted zucchini, carrots and sweet potatoes. Then some were in the day I will get in a little fruit. Of course I have actually looked forward to my morning coffee with toasted coconut almond milk. I may have two cups today. At this point I do feel whole30 is becoming the natural way of life. I will look up a marinade for the steak since yesterdays chicken was yummy after a 2 hour marinade. Gonna get my script filled and pick it up I may get some criox water it has almost become a welcome snack in the form of water.  

I am cooking more and really love it. I have always loved to cook but I didn't use as many veggies as I should. My hubby still has to have his brad and uses lactate in his coffee. But I am true blue sticking to whole30.

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Day 12

I am in bed and just can't seem to get moving .Don brought me coffee. Still seem a bit groggy from no sleep yesterday. Breakfast is an omelet with veggies.lunch was lime shrimp with olive oil and parsley, spiral cut potato with olive oil salt and pepper and zucchini noodles steamed..then fruit kabobs and snack of pork rinds. Just a couple. Love white grape water and mango as well. I bought a blank family cookbook and I am using it for whole30 recipes. I really love my coffee in the morning.

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Day 13

Down almost a size, surprise.....Breakfast was a hard boiled egg with coffee. Planning on leftovers for lunch. Will finish fruit kabobs today. Have a hard time eating dinner maybe I will try a hard boiled egg just to eat something. Feeling good....

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I started 9/11 with coffee in bed . Don took Mimi for a walk. Breakfast is eggs potatoes and a virgin Mary. Took other ports chops and acorn squash with salad. I have a hard time eating 3 full meals I am more of 5 smaller meals. I will report what I eat. Gastric bypass requires five smaller meals. Trying to eat 3 was too much food at a time. I am not getting in enough nutrition. So I am gonna wort the second half of my whole 30 differently .

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Things change quickly didn't eat the planned breakfast...went to Lowes with Don and came home close to noon. Made a yummy whole 30 egg Sal in tomato spinach artichoke heart and lettuce base . Very delicious!  Will do Porkchops and veggies for midday.. I can swim today the pool is ready. YEAH!

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I have lost all my whole 30 daily emails:wacko:.  Last night in my mind eating sugar frenzy I had a larabar. I made a written litany of all the foods I wanted to eat. I didn't give in. Today I am starting the day with eggs and watermelon. Lunch is steak ,baked fries and mixed veggies. Fruit here and there.

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Today I had eggs for breakfast, bacalao salad for lunch ,roasted veggies and a horrible steak. Snacks were fruit nuts that's it. I am gonna try chicken for dinner.I have eaten so many egg breakfasts I want a change. Gonna check out some new recipes and experiment. I am pretty sure I won't be jumping into old food habits. After working so hard to break sugar and dairy as well grains and processed foods I just want my new recipes to add some flavors and fun. I love to cook.

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Day 24- Start day 1

New start day 1

Last night I had 3 chunks of dark chocolate. Starting day 1 today 9-20. This morning I had coffee and 2 hard boiled eggs. Missed lunch due to grocery shopping. But I had 2 lettuce wrapped hot dogs with plantains on the side. I am stuffed.

I bought cactus fruit and dragon fruit. Since I messed up l weighed myself. I lost 10 lbs. Yes!!!* That mess up gave me the incentive and will to keep going. 

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Somehow I guess I am on day 2 but the day I messed up was not counted. So Fay one again. I had a lettuce wrapped hot dog for breakfast. Running around all morning getting some much needed new cookware. I made a 10 lb. Picnic ham with a whole 30 recipe. It will be great for some good quick meals. I also made whole30 beet soup. Yum. For another day. Dinner was keilbsa,potatoes and veggies. Cactus fruit was my snack.  My nutpods came in. I prefer them in my morning coffee. Not drinking enough water. Tomorrow the plan is to make stuffed cabbage. But first I have to make tomato soup and cream of mushroom soup I mix those together to make the sauce for the stuffed cabbage.  I am going to use cauliflower rice instead of rice. Hope it works. I will let you know. I would 

I would like a pedicure ,if my Dr. Calls early enough I can get there by 1 or 2. We will see.

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