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Hi Gang, 

Sorry I haven't chimed in just been having a crazy week. Lots of Dr. Appointments and my oncologist has me a nervous wreck because she called yesterday to tell me to come in today to discuss the results of my MRI scan that I did last week. As far as how I'm feeling otherwise, I definitely have more pep in my step! I notice I am less bloated, clothes are starting to feel looser and I am really not craving anything - though I will admit I am happy that after I received that call from the Dr. yesterday I didn't dive into a gallon of Ice Cream. I think because I have done the program before I know what to expect now, but I can remember the first time wondering and questioning if I was feeling any "tiger blood" along the way. I know towards the end of the 30 Days I felt it for sure and it is so worth it to stick it out. 

Day 11  - 1/3 of the way there!!

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12 hours ago, Wendy W said:

I was thinking somewhat the same thing. I am just starting Day 13. I have had a day where the food craving was hard, but that was because I hadn't done enough prep. The only thing I have noticed is that I feel like I have more energy  than I used to at the end of the night. Usually once I get my 3 little girls to bed, I am heading straight to my own bed and can't even imagine doing anything else.  Over the last two weeks, I have found myself much more alert at the end of the day and usually lasting an hour or so after bedtime.

I am hoping that Tiger Blood really does feel different!

Day 11:  I feel awful today - started yesterday - was once again tired by the time I got home from work. Had a fitful night's sleep. Lots of, what felt like crazy, dreams, but I can't remember what they were about. Feel like I was hit by a truck again today - similar to day 3 & 4 last week. I thought I was done with that!    grrrrr...

I'm still experiencing a craving for something sweet after dinner - so I pop a grape or two in my mouth. I want to tame the sugar dragon already! 

On a positive note,  I too seem to have an increased energy level throughout the day and am more clear-headed. And my jeans are fitting with ease again - that always makes me feel good. : )  My skin seems clearer as well.

All in all, it's all good.  : )

Solar915 - Thanks for the pesto tip - I will make something up similar for my meals! And yes, I guess you can freeze sauce the same way as the soup!

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30 minutes ago, nanette09 said:

I'm still experiencing a craving for something sweet after dinner - so I pop a grape or two in my mouth. I want to tame the sugar dragon already! 


You may not like to hear this but all the grapes are doing is sending a little offering to that dragon and letting him know that you'll still feed him whenever he wants. The only way to tame him is to show him who is in charge and that YOU will be in control of what goes in. The only, absolute, best possible, 150% guaranteed way to tame/kill a sugar dragon is to stop feeding it sugar. Even a couple grapes. Stop. Sub the grapes for olives stat.

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2 hours ago, ladyshanny said:

You may not like to hear this but all the grapes are doing is sending a little offering to that dragon and letting him know that you'll still feed him whenever he wants. The only way to tame him is to show him who is in charge and that YOU will be in control of what goes in. The only, absolute, best possible, 150% guaranteed way to tame/kill a sugar dragon is to stop feeding it sugar. Even a couple grapes. Stop. Sub the grapes for olives stat.

Thanks Ladyshanny. Somehow I knew that was going to be the answer. : (

So then should I avoid eating grapes and other sweet fruits as well? I've been eating clementines with my breakfast most mornings.


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37 minutes ago, nanette09 said:

Thanks Ladyshanny. Somehow I knew that was going to be the answer. : (

So then should I avoid eating grapes and other sweet fruits as well? I've been eating clementines with my breakfast most mornings.


Excellent article from @Susabella627 linked. Summary: consider why you are choosing the fruits, what your context is and make sure that those fruits aren't pushing veggies out of the way. :)

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Happy Saturday, 

Well I had some minor surgery yesterday (nasal polyps removed) and managed to stay whole30 compliant (except for the fasting part and no breakfast). Really consider this a major accomplishment because I think one of my "food" issues is I use it for comfort, and believe me when I felt blah last eve. I contemplated some comfort, but opted for a grilled chicken salad and warm apples with cinnamon. 

Hope everyone else is doing well and learning things about their relationship with food!


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So up until last night I've been pretty darn good about cravings. (Earlier this year I did "Eat to Live" and cravings are easy to keep at bay after that). BUT IT HAPPENED and I was afraid it would happen... I dreamt about eating bad food in my sleep :( just hoping that doesn't become a ritual... 

On the up side, I started running again and I can definitely tell the difference now in my energy and how fast I get tired. Loving this improved stamina! 

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Welcome to Day 14 folks!! We've made it 2 weeks in!! 


I'm so doggone proud of us right now! Raise a glass of sparkling water to yourselves!

A few thoughts....still waiting for my tiger blood to activate, but I also realize that since I'm currently on disability for a back issue that I'm not really moving all that much, so I truly don't know if I have gobs of energy right now anyway. Also, in regards to today's email, don't feel you have to be the top of the line items (read: pricey) items for kitchen gadgets. Check Amazon (esp. if you have Prime) and you can find well-reviewed choppers, etc. for much cheaper and just as good.

Another thought I had, I thought the point of Food Freedom was to stop calling foods good or bad. I kind of felt the Halloween candy post on the blog was doing just that. Of course, we aren't having candy on our Whole30 but the post seemed to be dedicated to teaching our children just how BAD BAD BAD Halloween candy is. I think that if we are going to have freedom, so should our children. No, kids don't NEED all of that candy or to eat candy for days before and after this date, but lets not put it to them in a way that teaches them that candy is BAD, but just a less healthy choice, or can be enjoyed as a treat. If in general if your kids are eating healthy and clean with you, then a night of fun and yes, CANDY won't derail that (IMHO), because you can help them understand that this isn't an everyday thing, but it IS okay to enjoy it. Today. Not teach them that this particular food is bad, but to make choices about sugar in their diet in general. Guilty eating seems to be the cornerstone for alot of us and it probably started in our childhood. And while I have a teenager in the home, I don't know a SINGLE kid that is going to want to have some green soup (no matter what you call it) or carrot sticks artfully arranged in place of a piece of candy FOR THAT DAY. My teen is having a scary movie night at the house while passing out candy to trick or treaters. I'll be making tacos for her and her friends (salad bowl for me!) and they will prolly nosh on candy, ice cream and popcorn. But, to my surprise, she's been pretty much eating 90% of what I've been making these 14 days so I'm not stressing her about it (and those types of things don't particularly tempt me. Don't even LIKE popcorn! Or pizza! LOL)

Anyhoo, I'll stop my rant. Everyone have a GREAT DAY!!!

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On 10/27/2016 at 11:34 AM, Susabella627 said:

Nanette I found this article that might be helpful to you http://whole30.com/2015/06/dear-melissa-fruit/


This was really helpful to me! I've been SO SCARED of eating any fruit, because I didn't want to wake up a Sugar Dragon (even though sweets aren't really my thing, I miss rice, cheese and whiskey, not necessarily in that order LOL) I rarely eat dessert, even when dining out, but I HAVE either grabbed a few grapes in the evening or eaten a 100% juice fruit cup. I DO like drinking fruit juice but I've stopped that for Whole30. I figured out that I probably should have some fruit WITH a meal, as opposed to it as a snack, so I haven't shied away from making meals that include fruit.

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Day 16...it's all downhill from here guys!  I ended up taking the day off last Friday so I had a long, relaxing weekend.  I did notice over the long weekend, that when I hang out at home it is hard not to eat...especially on these cold northern Wisconsin days!  Although I did stay compliant, I found myself going to the pantry to sneak a few almonds here and there, or else to the fridge to snatch some olives.  Saturday mornings I go to a boot camp exercise class so I also eat a much later breakfast than usual, and throws off my meal timing for the day...but I made it! 

Divachef:  I agree with your comments about Halloween...not to teach them that candy is bad, but it's not the best choice.  And I love popcorn!  We watch movies every weekend and my husband usually makes a big batch of popcorn for us to enjoy.  Of course I can't have plain popcorn, so it is usually coated with butter and parmesan cheese...delish.  Oh how I miss that! 

Cynthia:  I usually have at least one food dream during my Whole 30 and about a week ago it was about some sweet and crispy dessert...I still remember it!  During my last Whole 30 I dreamed about red wine.  I didn't have those dreams often, but I still remember them!  lol

14 days to go!!!!

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Hi Gang, 

Just checking in as I just seem to be extremely busy these days and not online very much. Everything is moving along nicely and nothing to report except busy also means not a lot of time in the kitchen so been resorting to grilled chicken and eggs for protein. Might start growing feathers!! 

I hope everyone that is still on this thread is doing well and getting thru the second half of their whole 30 without too many issues. 

Hang in there, we are almost there!


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Day 19 and another weekend ahead of us!  I mentioned the other day that weekends are kind of tough on me so hopefully this one goes better.  I'm definitely not feeling any tiger blood today and my energy level is super low.  But I honestly think that is from the stressful week I've had at work.  I started a new job this summer and I've been working on figuring out some new things and it has been quite challenging.  Earlier this week I woke very easily in the mornings (which is HUGE for me) and even attended a 5:30 am exercise class.  I think I'm getting enough fats and protein, so hopefully this little lull is just telling me I need to take a little break and get some ME time in.  I've been either running or doing some form of exercise almost every day this week and my last "rest" day was Monday.

On a similar note...I had a great run last night!  I just started running about a year and a half ago.  Now I am not a speedy runner by any means and I certainly won't be running any full marathons!  I started with a 5K in 2015 and just a couple of weeks ago I did my first 10k.  A friend and I were talking about trying for a half marathon next summer, so we will see how that training goes.  When I did my 10K my pace was exactly a 12 minute mile.  Last night I did a shorter 4 mile run so I picked my pace up a bit and my pace was 10 minutes 51 seconds!  So obviously my energy level was up when I did that! 

Hopefully there isn't too much food boredom out there!  Have a great weekend everyone!

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7 hours ago, jolong said:

Day 19 and another weekend ahead of us!  I mentioned the other day that weekends are kind of tough on me so hopefully this one goes better. 

My weekends are tough too, I prepared lots of food yesterday specially for that reason so I'm hopeful it'll go better.

You got this!

7 hours ago, jolong said:

Earlier this week I woke very easily in the mornings (which is HUGE for me) and even attended a 5:30 am exercise class.

Oh my gosh the same for me! I have been waking up before my alarm this week and that seriously hasn't happened in 10 years. I'm going to assume it's because of Whole30, it's absolutely amazing! 

7 hours ago, jolong said:

On a similar note...I had a great run last night!  I just started running about a year and a half ago.  Now I am not a speedy runner by any means and I certainly won't be running any full marathons!  I started with a 5K in 2015 and just a couple of weeks ago I did my first 10k.  A friend and I were talking about trying for a half marathon next summer, so we will see how that training goes.  When I did my 10K my pace was exactly a 12 minute mile.  Last night I did a shorter 4 mile run so I picked my pace up a bit and my pace was 10 minutes 51 seconds!  So obviously my energy level was up when I did that! 

I started running a few years ago and did the same, started out with 5ks then did a 10k, then a 15k and finally this year I did my first half marathon. Since whole30 I've noticed my stamina has improved and my runs are overall better. Glad to hear it's the same for you! 


This week felt like a breeze compared to the last two, a routine is definitely starting to stabalize and I'm glad that doing dishes isn't a bother to me as much as it was in the first week! I really miss going to restaurants though so the fiancé and I are going out for steak tonight. Going to call the restaurant soon to make sure they can prepare everything how I need it so ordering will be a breeze! 

Have a good weekend everyone! 

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I had quite a day yesterday. Traveling with my husband and two youngest kids from Austin to Columbus for an Ohio State Buckeyes football game, I went through two airports, a Wendy's, and a night at the stadium passing on all the usual selections I would normally make. I feel really good about that. I was not completely successful, though. Before the game we met up with a friend my husband had not seen in over 30 years. He invited us to the home of his in-laws, a couple in their 70s/80s. I declined all of the following from the sweet wife: alcohol, chips and dip, cheese and crackers, baked beans, homemade potato salad, brownies, and ice cream. But, I felt like I had to eat something, so I had some kind of meat productthey had grilled. I thought it was a hot dog, but I think it was some sort of spicy variation. Who knows what was in it. I skipped the bun. I am glad I did not use it as an excuse to go completely off the rails at the stadium, but it is disheartening to think that the rules call for me to start over. I would usually view yesterday as a success while I was on a diet, but I know it is not on the Whole30. I am not sure which eliminated foods I actually consumed in that tube of meat, so I don't even know how to evaluate it. I just had three hard-boiled eggs and an orange at the hotel breakfast buffet, and I plan to stay compliant the rest of the trip and finish out the 30 days. I planned it to allow for some reintroduction before Thanksgiving, so I haven't decided what I will do beyond that. My original 30 days will be up on the 14th because I started the 16th. 

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3 hours ago, jenpowell9 said:

I had quite a day yesterday. Traveling with my husband and two youngest kids from Austin to Columbus for an Ohio State Buckeyes football game, I went through two airports, a Wendy's, and a night at the stadium passing on all the usual selections I would normally make. I feel really good about that. I was not completely successful, though. Before the game we met up with a friend my husband had not seen in over 30 years. He invited us to the home of his in-laws, a couple in their 70s/80s. I declined all of the following from the sweet wife: alcohol, chips and dip, cheese and crackers, baked beans, homemade potato salad, brownies, and ice cream. But, I felt like I had to eat something, so I had some kind of meat productthey had grilled. I thought it was a hot dog, but I think it was some sort of spicy variation. Who knows what was in it. I skipped the bun. I am glad I did not use it as an excuse to go completely off the rails at the stadium, but it is disheartening to think that the rules call for me to start over. I would usually view yesterday as a success while I was on a diet, but I know it is not on the Whole30. I am not sure which eliminated foods I actually consumed in that tube of meat, so I don't even know how to evaluate it. I just had three hard-boiled eggs and an orange at the hotel breakfast buffet, and I plan to stay compliant the rest of the trip and finish out the 30 days. I planned it to allow for some reintroduction before Thanksgiving, so I haven't decided what I will do beyond that. My original 30 days will be up on the 14th because I started the 16th. 

IMHO, I don't think you have to restart: This wasn't a bad choice you made. You didn't have control of the situation AND you still had to eat. I think you made all GOOD choices yesterday, including not having the bun with the "mystery" meat. I don't think this means a restart, but that decision is entirely yours. I think yesterday WAS a success for you!

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Day 20 and I'm experiencing an increase in cravings. Partly because of the weekend and maybe because I am in the home stretch? Looking forward to being done and eating some things I haven't been allowed? Even though I'm craving chips and all things crunchy/salty and sweet, I know I don't want to go back to eating like I had been. This is making me a bit cranky. And even though I have a definite increase in energy (and many other NSVs), I still feel tired - no tiger blood for me - yet. This makes me sad.

Anyone else??

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Jenpowell:  I agree with divachef...you were not in control of the situation so I don't consider it a failure either.  And considering you were travelling you didn't exactly have the ability to carry a cooler with compliant foods along with you.  Personally, I wouldn't start over...but that's your call!  Like the book says, we are all adults and have to make our own choices.

Nanette:  I haven't really had any cravings, and although I can't say I've felt the tiger blood, mornings have been much easier for me. 

Cynthia:  I hope you had a great steak dinner!  I usually enjoy a Friday night dinner after a long week of work, but definitely try to avoid restaurants during my Whole 30.  More than the food, I think it is the red wine I have with dinner that I miss more! 

One week to go guys!!!  I don't know about you all, but I am a little nervous about reintroduction right before Thanksgiving.  I'm hoping I will be able to reintroduce properly before the big day.  If not, maybe just going back to Whole 30 eating for another week after Thanksgiving?  What are all of your thoughts?  Maybe a moderator could chime in with suggestions?

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Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement! Jolong, I actually did carry a cooler with me through the airports and around town. I just did not feel comfortable bringing my own food into a stranger's home or in completely turning down all of the food they were serving. I am feeling okay about how it all went down now that I am back home. 

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Hi Everyone, 

I can't believe we are in the home stretch with only one week to go!! And hey girls, only 1 more weekend to get through!!! I think I am starting to taste tiger blood - at least I know I am feeling like my clothes fit looser, have way more energy, have no cravings, am not preoccupied with thoughts of food, and just generally feel good. I had two Dr. appointments this week and I think they now think I'm crazy. I had to step on the scale, but I looked away and told them not to tell me lol. 

Jolong, Thanksgiving makes me a bit nervous too, and I think what I will do is the 10 day fast reintro which would make thanksgiving Day 9. Then if I goofed on Turkey Day (either intentionally or by accident) I would be down to my last food group, Here is a sample http://whole30.com/step-two-finished/  Only thing I might due is switch up the order because gluten is the thing I am most curious about and the only group that has bothered me on past reintroductions. I know it's not perfect but hey, Life isn't perfect!!

Hope everyone is doing well!! 



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@jolong I am nervous about Thanksgiving as well. We plan to stay home where we can cook a compliant meal, as opposed to eating with relatives and not knowing what's what. So that's good at least.

The two issues I am concerned about is the wine - which will be the first item on my reintroduction - and the apple crumb pie for dessert. I've already decided NOT to have it topped with vanilla ice cream (points for me!) but I will still be facing having both the gluten AND sugar at the same time. Since I am adding the alcohol to the beginning of my reintroduction, I will not be able to finish it before the holiday. I'm pretty sure I won't have had the gluten reintro by that time.

However,  after reading the books - now making my way through Food Freedom Forever -  and even if it takes me off schedule, I've decided that the pie will be one of those things that are sooooo worth it! I will savor each bite - making it last as long as I can -  and deal with whatever afterwards. I plan then to get back on to the reintroduction as scheduled the next day.

It will be interesting to see what happens!

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Last night was so stressful here in the US that a drink was ALL that I wanted.

But, I held on. Too close to the end to start over now!

I'm looking forward to reintroduction. I think I will do a combination of slow and fast, I guess that's medium??? I do think I will eat Whole30 90% of the time on a regular basis as I have grown to enjoy this way of eating. But there will times when I want something off plan and I want to have the freedom to choose to do so. Thanksgiving is coming up and we always go to my partner's family's house. Because it isn't MY family and I am not cooking, there is really no emotional connection in any of the food. It is pretty much the same food every year and it won't be hard to stick close to the plan, while not entirely on plan. I'm not a big sweets eater, so passing on dessert is normal for me. I know that the prolly biggest draw for me will be the candied yams and that is about as sweet as I will get. I may make my own sweet potato pie at home for the family. A peach cobbler is prolly the only other dessert I like and I do recall eating an entire 11 by 9 pan once in less than 3 days BY MYSELF...so no, I won't be making it!

Still no tiger blood, but I rarely sleep more than 4 hours at a time at night, so no surprise there. Girlfriend says I'm losing weight, I think my tummy might be SLIGHTLY flatter, but we will see! Looking forward to glass of wine! I'm actually more of a whiskey or white wine gal, but I will try a pinoit noir first. 


Almost there, ladies!

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Red wine, my long lost friend...we will meet again next Wednesday at 8pm.  lol  I am with you Nanette and Divachef, this will be my first reintro item! 

Nannette:  I also have been reading Food Freedom Forever, and I actually just read that section the other night about foods being "worth it".  I will have to keep that in perspective as I approach the Thanksgiving dinner.  We usually prepare a meal at home for Thanksgiving but this year we are going to visit my daughter, which is about 4 hours away.  We will be having dinner with her boyfriend's family and I really have no idea what to expect.  However, I am making the sweet potato casserole and that will be WORTH IT!  We will be there for the whole weekend, but I am going to try to remain mostly compliant for the rest of the trip...we will see how it goes! 

Divachef:  I certainly would have enjoyed a glass of wine Tuesday night too, but just think of the feeling of achievement we will have next Wednesday when we can have that beverage!  I never really thought about the emotional connection we have with certain foods, so thanks for sharing that.  I have found this time around that the tiger blood is hard to spot.  This is my third round of Whole 30 and after each round I also continue to keep eating this way for the most part, so I'm starting to wonder if it is just harder to spot the tiger blood because of that.  Yesterday afternoon I finally had a moment where I thought...WOW, I feel great!

Susabella:  Thanks for reminding me of the fast reintro...I did the slow roll reintroduction last time so I totally forgot about that!  I'm going to also look at the order of items and see how I should switch them up.  I know dairy has been problematic for me in the past but it will be interesting to see if there are any signs of trouble with the other items this time.

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