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100% cacao bar?


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Hi, I'm doing my first whole 30 and I'm trying to prepare for Halloween--I'm nervous.  I've never made it through Halloween without eating candy.  Every year I attempt to avoid the candy but I never succeed.  I found this bar and I thought I'd let this be what I eat while everyone's eating their candy, but is that just a paleo pancake?  I'd love to hear your opinions.  Thank you!




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Nope, definitely not.  You CAN get through Halloween without eating cheap, waxy, always around, never worth it candy because you're worth more than a clump of sugar and chemicals in a plastic wrapper.

And if, after you're done, you still think you want the halloween candy, it'll be on sale ;)

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Also, try and change your self talk... ditch the 'never made it through' and change it to 'This year is the first year I'll not be eating Halloween candy because I decided to do a Whole30'  and then if you need to, list the reasons why you chose to do the whole30 and know those are more important than seconds with a cheap candy bar

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