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I finished my Whole 30 about 5 days ago but I haven't started my reintroduction because I have been trying to figure out the best way to approach it. I am wondering if anyone has broken down the categories even more than the book/website suggests. For example, legumes -- I thought about using a day to check black beans and chickpeas then returning to eat Whole 30 for a few days. Then I would introduce peanuts. Wait a few days with compliant Whole 30 meals, and then finally reintroduce soy sauce/soy products. I am interested in completing a reintroduction like this because it might truly pinpoint food sensitivities, but I am also worried that this might drag out reintroduction longer than it should be. I know that this is my reintroduction and I should be able to make it how I want it to be, I'm just looking to see if anyone else has completed their reintroduction this way and found it to be useful or not.

Thanks in advance!

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Some people do what is called a "slow roll" reintro, where weeks may go by before a given type of food is reintroduced.  You might want to do common sneaky stuff first like soy, gluten, and carageenan since if you are not watching labels like a hawk they are more likely to show up unnoticed.

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