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Eating more veggies

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Curious to see if anyone on here has read or is knowledgable about the China Study book. I have done three rounds of whole30 and each time, I feel better both physically and mentally. I've noticed exercise becoming less strenuous, my skin clearing up, increased motivation and cognition, and regular positive moods. While I have always believed that this lifestyle was the best choice for me, I also don't want to give up on the research that stresses a plant based vegan diet. Maybe it's just the continuous stream of netflix documentaries I keep watching but I just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on this. I think Whole30 is amazing but at times believe that I am relying on the consumption of too much meat instead of vegetables. Has anyone else experienced similar thoughts?

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There are rebuttals to the China Study out there -- google China Study rebuttals.

You could do your own experiment and see how you feel if you do 30 days of no animal protein, just vegetables. Obviously, keep everything else as Whole30 as you can, no sugar, no alcohol, etc. Here's an article about doing Whole30 as a vegetarian/vegan. Then you'll know if you personally feel better with meat or without it.

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