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Disordered eating

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Today I feel like I am an alcoholic in recovery, though with me it's sugar...a coworker brought in mini-cupcakes for Halloween. I looked at them, even imagined what it would taste like to have "just one" - then realized that i wouldn't have "just one". I would grab one or two everytime I passed that table - and I pass that table a LOT during the work day. I stopped and thought about how comfortably full I was from my breakfast (eggs, chicken, canteloupe) and about how I would binge, and I was able to stay away without a lot of trouble. For me, thinking about "am I full?" is key to not eating these types of things.

Whole 30 works for me because I just can't control myself around those types of treats. It is either binge or absinence for me. This may change later, but I think I will keep the "no sugar treats" rule for a while, even after my Whole 30. Yet another self-revelation...

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Today I feel like I am an alcoholic in recovery, though with me it's sugar...a coworker brought in mini-cupcakes for Halloween. I looked at them, even imagined what it would taste like to have "just one" - then realized that i wouldn't have "just one". I would grab one or two everytime I passed that table - and I pass that table a LOT during the work day. I stopped and thought about how comfortably full I was from my breakfast (eggs, chicken, canteloupe) and about how I would binge, and I was able to stay away without a lot of trouble. For me, thinking about "am I full?" is key to not eating these types of things.

Whole 30 works for me because I just can't control myself around those types of treats. It is either binge or absinence for me. This may change later, but I think I will keep the "no sugar treats" rule for a while, even after my Whole 30. Yet another self-revelation...

Yep..no matter what happens in my life, I know I cannot just be okay with chocolate cake and peanut butter. I am okay with denying both of them.

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I hear ya loud and clear Roberta! I finished my Whole30 a few weeks ago and since then I have realized through some trial and error what things I will just have to say no to for the rest of my life (or at least for a very long time - longer than 30 days for sure :)). That's okay though - just like you are discovering, that's part of the Whole30 journey. We are in this for the long haul and it's worth it! You should be very proud of yourself for stopping yourself and really making a mindful decision. Best of luck to you!

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