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A Glorious Day Three Morning! (Sarcasm)

Brandon Antoinette

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I woke up before my alarm clock went off...

"Yay! This is it--my sleep has been so efficient that I am now awaking refreshed and rested without the aid of an alarm c--

...Wait a tick...what is wrong with my head...Let's just stand up and--oh, no, I've fallen.

Must...go...back...to bed. No! I can make it through this. This is not the wake-up-without-an-alarm goodness I've been anticipating. It's just the whole carb flu thing I've been reading about finally hitting me and waking me because I feel so terrible. Sincerely wishing that I hadn't binged on fried foods all day Saturday right now. Oh well, time for my morning e-mail check.


"Did it just take me ten minutes to walk from my bedroom into my library less than twenty steps away?

Oh, there's a picture of a grumpy baby in my Whole 30 daily e-mail, just to remind me that this is apparently normal. Thanks. I appreciate it. I don't suppose you could have sent that picture at the bottom of yesterday's e-mail to warn me though??

Okay, fair enough. Everyone warned me. There is no reason to be surprised, and certainly no reason I should be snapping curse words at my computer. I just need some breakfast. That will make me feel...maybe some coffee first.


Alright, coffee done. Still no headache reprieve. No worries, I'll just slog through.


Why is it taking me twice as long to make this breakfast than it ever has before? Blast! There goes the alarm. Forgot to shut it off this morning after I got up without using it. I'll just throw the rest of this in the pan and run to shut it off.


There. That's better. I think that if---Blast-and-a-Half! Smoke detector going off. Obnoxious sound NOT helping with pounding headache or poor mood.


Burnt Omelet. Yum.

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Couldn't help but laugh out loud - sorry but you have a definite gift for expressing yourself :). It does get better honestly. Now every time I reread my day 3 email and see that toddler i shall think of you stumbling around with alarms going off :D :D :D

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