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Confused about Reintroduction

Michelle H

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I'm halfway through my Whole30 and trying to figure out Reintroduction because it baffles me. :) I like to know things in advance so I want to be sure that I know how to do the Reintro when that time comes. My confusion is - how hard is it to reintroduce just one "group" at a time? Like I want to add back in cereal or bagels for breakfast but both of those have other ingredients in them (well bagels do if you have cream cheese). Do you basically just keep eating exactly what you've been eating and maybe add in a slice of bread or a glass of milk instead of totally going back to a former "meal?" I guess I'm just unsure how to add back in foods that are just from that one "category." Any tips appreciated.

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I think you've cracked it, you can't just revert to a previous 'normal' meal as you'd have several categories at the same time.  Lots more label reading required, to find a bread that has only gluten grains, but no sugar, and no dairy.  Or only none gluten grains.  dairy should be simplest, as you just include a glass of milk at breakfast, a small tub of yoghurt with lunch, and a few slices of cheese at dinner, then you could distinguish again between hard/soft cheese, or cows/goats/ewes milk etc.  other things you could split, so you could reintroduce just rice, then just tofu, then soy sauce, legumes you could do minus the soy, so peas, lentils, chick peas etc.

of course there are some things that you just might decide never to reintroduce, like honey? or carrageenan, or MSG - you'd have to read labels, but you could feasible ignore those.

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I just finished the 30 days.  I'm wondering if it matters what order you reintroduce things.  Also, in one place it shows alcohol first, in another I don't even see alcohol.  I would rather reintroduce grains before legumes, is there any reason not to do that?  

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On 2/14/2017 at 10:50 AM, Michelle H said:

I'm halfway through my Whole30 and trying to figure out Reintroduction because it baffles me. :) I like to know things in advance so I want to be sure that I know how to do the Reintro when that time comes. My confusion is - how hard is it to reintroduce just one "group" at a time? Like I want to add back in cereal or bagels for breakfast but both of those have other ingredients in them (well bagels do if you have cream cheese). Do you basically just keep eating exactly what you've been eating and maybe add in a slice of bread or a glass of milk instead of totally going back to a former "meal?" I guess I'm just unsure how to add back in foods that are just from that one "category." Any tips appreciated.

Michelle H, tomorrow is my day 30. I also realized that it is very easy to get other ingredients. I am starting with legumes, so I bought a can of organic black beans and a container of organic hummus. The black beans are just beans and water and the hummus has few ingredients. You are right that for gluten, if you get a bagel or toast it should be plain or with something compliant (a bit of ghee).  I am also going to follow the advise to add items I know I would like to be able to eat. I like plain Greek Yogurt, so I will have some on dairy day along with some good cheese. I won't bother with ice cream because I know that will be a "worth it" treat when I get to go to my home state to have some Graeters and I want to avoid the sugar.

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On 2/16/2017 at 11:36 AM, ShannonM816 said:

@Phil C you can reintroduce things in any order you want to. Just be sure to go back to whole30 for at least two days between reintroductions, and don't have the reintroduced food again until you're completely through reintroductions even if you don't notice a reaction. 

Oh I didn't realize you can't have the reintroduced food again until after reintroduction is done? So even if when I reintroduce, say, dairy, I have no bad reactions, you're not supposed to have dairy again until after the reintroduction is complete? I must have missed that, thanks for pointing that one out! 

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1 hour ago, Michelle H said:

Oh I didn't realize you can't have the reintroduced food again until after reintroduction is done? So even if when I reintroduce, say, dairy, I have no bad reactions, you're not supposed to have dairy again until after the reintroduction is complete? I must have missed that, thanks for pointing that one out! 

That's correct. Sometimes, small amounts of a food are fine, but if you start having it every day you notice a reaction, and if that happened while you were also reintroducing another food, it would be hard to know if you were reacting to the extra amounts of dairy or if you were reaction to whichever other food you were reintroducing that day.

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