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Weight loss on Whole30


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Apologies in advance - Not sure if this is the category to post this question in. 

I understand that the focus of whole 30 is not about weight loss, but with the improved diet it appears that people, myself included, do lose weight.  If I extend to a whole 60 or whole 90, does the weight loss and body transformation continue or will my weight and body transformation plateau?  And if it does plateau, is that the point where my body is comfortable at?


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You can extend it as long you choose. There have been those who've extended a year or more. They reached their optimum setpoint and starting eating  it back once they reached that setpoint.

That's the drawback of using the W30 for a diet. If you return  to your former way of eating, rebound weight gain happens. Deviations, "cheat meals and cheat weekends"... the weight rebounds. Eating bread and pasta, chips or any small thing in small amounts that increase with frequency, the weight will come back in a fraction of the time it takes to remove it.

I believe the Whole 30 for 30 days is best.  Then create a plan you can live with for the rest of your life.

Any variations - after you reach the optimum setpoint, allowing old behaviors to creep back in, rebound weight gain occurs. Food Freedom Forever doesn't mean doing a Whole 30 Forever.

An elimination protocol is great for 30 days and beyond that, it will take true grit not to go sideways.


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With every cycle of dieting, if rebound happens thereafter, the body chemistry and hormones are even more receptive to rebound weight gain. You attempt many periods of dieting followed by rebound,  the body slows down further and responds slower with each passing diet throughout a lifetime.

You want to do this right, one time. One time only for the best chance at keeping the weight off. That's also going to take true grit  with a concrete plan and strategy you can follow for the rest of your life.

Those who've maintained stability with their weight for an entire lifetime can manage going sideways.  It's different for those of us like me with wild swings UP and down with weight since childhood. The body gets to a point where no matter what you do, it rebels and the metabolism slows down to a snail's pace.  

Go slow for the big WIN.  It's taken me 3 years to undo the dieting damage of a lifetime.

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Thanks for the insight!  I definitely have a new understanding of healthy eating and a new relationship with food and would not want to fall back to old habits.  Plus I love that my diet is more wholesome and I know exactly what ingredients I'm consuming.


Not sure if I've hit my setpoint or not so I guess I should continue on beyond 30 days and see where my body settles out and then work on reintroduction.  


I'm feeling so good right now.  Issues that I assumed were just normal, like abdominal bloating, are gone and I'm sleeping so much better.  I'm  curious as to what food group was causing the issues.   Can't wait to hit my setpoint and work on reintroduction to identify the food group.

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Why not do the reintro now if you have 30 days under your belt and find out? Then carry on with the foods you like. You don't have to add anything back in that doesn't suit your digestive/medical issues.  

I suggest this based on those who did extend for a year or more without ever conducting a reintro.  Then they returned with 80 or more lbs, starting all over again but throwing in the towel again.  Reintro left hanging out to dry.

The reintro is the reward for 30 days of hard work. It's the key ticket to finding lasting success. 

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Excellent decision. Very smart. I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.  I've watched too many fall by the wayside to not encourage people to follow through with a reintro. Immediately. ASAP.

I'm excited for you now.  You do  this right, one time and you won't have to go through it again.

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Even Melissa does mini resets. The whole idea is to learn what's best for your body. My first Whole30 turned into a whole60. I woke up on day 31  and knew I needed to continue. There is no bad or good, only context. I knew I needed to give my body more time to heal. Since then, I've done a Whole100, and two more whole30's. It is what I needed. Everyone is different and the process of evolving to our healthy place is different. Read all the info and comments and then, take it on your journey. Between my whole60 & whole100, I literally fell off the edge of the earth. I had some very serious issues, BUT, I learned some very real lessons during that time period. I know I am heading in the right direction and am not looking back. I really do believe that from here on out, I'll probably not do another whole30, yet I have no doubt that there will be some Whole7's etc.. of course, I'm not going to say never... :D

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