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My fruitless, nutless, larabarless Whole30


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Day 25

Workout: BBG Week 8 Abs & Cardio

Post WO: 2 oz tuna

Breakfast:  Breakfast: Sweet potato, ground turkey, egg, & spinach frittata Topped with ghee and Tessemae's ranch

Lunch: Cauliflower rice, peppers, and cuban pork drizzled in extra olive oil and topped with guacamole

Dinner: Brussel sprouts, mushroom, and chicken with balsamic mayo, 1/2 sweet potato


Today was better energy wise. I think the extra fat is helping. My stomach troubles still haven't subsided. :(

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Hi harperm123,

I did this for my first Whole30 (no fruit, no nuts/nut butters, and no Larabars). My 'why' for the first W30 was to kill the sugar addiction and that meant (for me) no fruits/juices either. The first 4 to 5 days were tough (the sugar dragon kept coming up to taunt me) but after that, I was fine. I see you're well into your second W30 and I just want to say: it's worth it and i'm here with you. I'm also doing a no fruit/nuts/nut butters for my second round.

I can't wait to read you're 'ending' to this journey!!! 

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Day 26

Breakfast: Sweet potato, ground turkey, egg, & spinach frittata topped with ghee 

Lunch #1: Epic chicken bites, guac, carrots

Lunch #2: Tandoori chicken, broccoli, olives

Dinner: Chicken sausage, sweet potato, asparagus

Workout: 30 minute yoga video, 30 minute walk

Day 27

PreWO: Egg

Workout: 3 mile run

Breakfast: Chicken sausage, brussel sprouts topped with ghee

Lunch: Chipotle (carnitas, guac, pico, lettuce)

Snack: Pumpkin seeds

Dinner: Salmon, squash & zucchini, sweet potato fries, small sample of potato salad

Things are going swimmingly. I'm not feeling on top of the world, but most of the ailments I had described earlier on have subsided. A NSV I have noticed this round is the absence of physical cravings. There have been times where I have mentally craved certain foods, but none of the anxious mouth watering have to have it physical sensations that I experienced before. Idk if that makes sense, but it is a good thing :) I'm excited to start reintroductions soon. I am being much more meticulous this time around as far as introducing foods that I truly want to incorporate back into my diet as opposed to introducing food groups just because. 

On 3/24/2017 at 11:29 AM, mariannne said:

Hi harperm123,

I did this for my first Whole30 (no fruit, no nuts/nut butters, and no Larabars). My 'why' for the first W30 was to kill the sugar addiction and that meant (for me) no fruits/juices either. The first 4 to 5 days were tough (the sugar dragon kept coming up to taunt me) but after that, I was fine. I see you're well into your second W30 and I just want to say: it's worth it and i'm here with you. I'm also doing a no fruit/nuts/nut butters for my second round.

I can't wait to read you're 'ending' to this journey!!! 

Thank you for your support! It's amazing how easy it is to use these items as a crutch for the sugar dragon. Eliminating them (or reducing them, if you notice I had a couple day slip up around day 14) makes the Whole30 a whole different ball game. How is your second round going? 

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@HarperM123 I've just started round II this past weekend. I'm on Day 3 now. The great news is that I have found a solution for coffee (or more that I'm happy with the taste) and that makes the mornings easier. Day 1 and 2 were tough for me so far and that jives with my round I (day 2 to 5 were my toughest).  Amazingly, my Day 3 is going well so far. I find (for me) that the initial sugar withdrawal is the toughest... and from there, each day gets easier.

There are some things I miss: Ezekiel toast with nut butter in the morning. I don't have a craving for this per se but it's just been a morning ritual to have that with my morning coffee as I write my morning pages (a la The Artist's Way). I can create new habits. I don't have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance so I could bring back the toast, if I wish. I'll see how I feel once this W30 is over. I want to make some changes for the long haul after this round. I miss the deep calm that W30 brought me. The benefits were endless!!  I have a twice daily yoga practice so I'm also curious how this round of W30 will be affecting my practice.

How has this round been on your workouts?

I'm curious: what is your 'plan' post-W30? What permanent changes will you be making?

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Marianne and HarperM123, thanks for all your communication that I'm gleaning information from to make my first W30 easier. I find that I'm munching on nuts a lot and drinking loads of coffee. I've just today decided that my last 10 days of this first round (following HarperM123's lead) I'm going to limit (not eliminate, though that will probably happen in my next W30) nuts, Larabars and the like, coffee, and increase my fruit. I know slightly different, but still following your lead. I don't eat enough fruit and my sugar dragon is completely gone. My issue is just wanting to eat. I'm trying to increase my water, though I'm not sure that's possible since I drink almost every waking moment. I guess I need to wean myself off all that. I should find satisfaction in something other than food and drink. Still working on that.  I guess it could be much worse, right?

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3 hours ago, Abcd said:

I don't eat enough fruit

You don't actually need to eat any (you'll get all of the micronutrients you need from a wide variety of vegetables), and many people choose not to, and if you're having insulin issues it might be best keeping it that way, as well as keeping those larabars at arm's length...

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