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Soy fed Chickens and Eggs


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Starting my first Whole30 Tomorrow very excited. While buying eggs I was thinking that most chickens are fed soy products. Should we avoid these eggs and seek out only soy free fed chicken eggs? Thanks for  your feedback. 

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If you feel more comfortable and you can afford a higher quality egg, then definitely do so.  It's not the mandate of the program to tell you what the item you consume has consumed... there are definitelyi good, better, best suggestions for meat and eggs, but if what you have available in your area and to your budget/values is standard meat and eggs, that's fine.

Now, with that said, there ARE people who are so sensitive to soy or grains that they cannot eat eggs/meat that have been fed this way... you probably won't know that until you start re-introducing unless you are already aware of your sensitivity.  It's pretty rare to have a dramatic reaction to the food your food eats, but just bear in mind, it can happen.

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