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Overboard with fruit and snacking

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I'm on day 15 of my whole 30. This is the fourth one I've done over the past couple of years. This time my focus has been on truly following the meal template and having more balanced meals. And not snacking because of stress, boredom, etc. Trying to  be more in touch with my actual hunger signals and run on fat for fuel and not carbs. The beginning was going pretty well, but the last week or so I've started to slowly slide into not quite following the template right. For example, instead of eating my usual breakfast of 3 eggs scrambled with vegetables and coconut oil, I started eating 3 hard boiled eggs plus a massive bowl of fruit. And snacking (sometimes mindlessly) in the afternoons...usually on nuts and/or fruit. And today, even though I was aware I was starting to go back to these not great habits for me...I ate a HUGE amount of watermelon for breakfast and that was it. I can feel it in my head....TOO MUCH SUGAR. :( I guess I'm posting this because I just need some support and encouragement to get back on track. I need to be held accountable to my actual goals and not give in to what I think will comfort me in the moment. I know that if I keep doing this pattern, after my whole30 I'll just be right back to constantly eating paleo chocolate muffins and stuff, feeding my sugar dragon just like before....


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2 hours ago, KandyS said:

I'm on day 15 of my whole 30. This is the fourth one I've done over the past couple of years. This time my focus has been on truly following the meal template and having more balanced meals. And not snacking because of stress, boredom, etc. Trying to  be more in touch with my actual hunger signals and run on fat for fuel and not carbs. The beginning was going pretty well, but the last week or so I've started to slowly slide into not quite following the template right. For example, instead of eating my usual breakfast of 3 eggs scrambled with vegetables and coconut oil, I started eating 3 hard boiled eggs plus a massive bowl of fruit. And snacking (sometimes mindlessly) in the afternoons...usually on nuts and/or fruit. And today, even though I was aware I was starting to go back to these not great habits for me...I ate a HUGE amount of watermelon for breakfast and that was it. I can feel it in my head....TOO MUCH SUGAR. :( I guess I'm posting this because I just need some support and encouragement to get back on track. I need to be held accountable to my actual goals and not give in to what I think will comfort me in the moment. I know that if I keep doing this pattern, after my whole30 I'll just be right back to constantly eating paleo chocolate muffins and stuff, feeding my sugar dragon just like before....


I think the key words here are focus, commit and structure. For me, structure makes everything easier as it resides the decision overload. So. I used the structure of three template meals at set mealtimes (ranges) with no snacking. Done. If I had a day when my schedule was blown to hell (and there were a couple) I ate a mini-meal. 

This kind of structure frees up time and energy! I wasn't wasting time negotiating with myself about "snacking" or eating a non-template meal as that wasn't an option because I was committed to the 30 days  

Template meals kept me satisfied and fueled for my activities and I enjoyed my food but at the same time it wasn't the main focus of my life. 

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That makes a lot of sense! Yes, the negotiating with myself about snacking, etc... definitely brings unneeded stress when I could just have the template laid out for my day, commit to following it, and not worry about it! Thank you for your input and support!

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Hi!  I struggle with this too and for me it is nut butter and fruit or nut butter and coconut flakes.  It's like my mind is still craving "relief from stress" with food.   It's hard because the immediate gratification from those snack items, REALLY does make me feel better for a little bit.  And it gives me something to look forward to, especially when I am tired at the end of the day from taking care of two young kids & working.   

I am on day 10 of my WHole30 and I think for the rest of it I would like to commit to - no snacking, & stick to template for meals.  AND have the structure of other go-to habits for when I am feeling tired, worn out, or irritated.   Does anyone have any quick things they do in the moment to get their brains off the train track towards nut butter snacks?  

KandyS - Do you want a partner so we can motivate each other through the rest of the Whole30? 

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I'm having this same problem right now. I'm on day 12 and I'm really snacking too much. I'm eating fruit and justifying it because hey! It's fruit. Or they're carrots! I'm also getting an upset stomach and bloating. Anyone else? Really struggling with staying on track in my meals because I don't feel well and I'm confusing not feeling well with feeling hunger. Help!

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9 minutes ago, eee.lissa said:

I'm having this same problem right now. I'm on day 12 and I'm really snacking too much. I'm eating fruit and justifying it because hey! It's fruit. Or they're carrots! I'm also getting an upset stomach and bloating. Anyone else? Really struggling with staying on track in my meals because I don't feel well and I'm confusing not feeling well with feeling hunger. Help!

The bloating and upset stomach could be from the fruit and raw veggies.  Try eating three meals a day with no snacking...

Drink lots of water and eat the template meals and I bet you feel better :)

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Ebuffy, I totally relate to that. The immediate gratification of comforting foods in the moment....but not really helping my habits or the way I think about food. Especially when dealing with stress. And I am right there with you with being busy with my little kids! I would love to partner up and keep each other accountable for our whole 30s!

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Eee.lissa, those are the very same problems I have been having too. Eating way too much fruit, carrots, etc. and justifying it because they're healthy and "compliant." But same thing with the bloating and everything. I definitely do better when I do not snack in between meals, and if I am ACTUALLY hungry and feel like I do need a snack I'get tried eating a couple of hard boiled eggs instead. That helps with the hunger until the next meal, and I'm not going to sit there and eat a dozen eggs! (However, I might eat a huge amount of fruit if I say I'm just going to eat just 1 apple as a snack....). When I'm having cravings, and not actually hungry, I like to drink a bunch of sparkling water-it is enjoyable without any negative effects :)


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