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Pure Whey Protein Powder....


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Hi! I just started the Whole 30 and I can't eat eggs either. I'm so sensitive I end up doubled over with stomach pain! I'm a fitness trainer and I workout out hard most mornings and I've always had a whey protein shake mixed with coconut milk for breakfast before my workout. I use a pure grass-feed, hormone free, non-denatured brand that has no additives or sweetners. Can I keep using this for breakfast? I can't eat meat before my workout it sits like lead in my stomach and I can't workout without eating. Any suggestions?

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nope. no whey during your whole 30.

Breakfast should be a meal according the template, so: 1 or 2 palm sizes of protein, a thumbs-worth of fat and a big pile-o-veg.

Recommended pre-and post-workout nutrition is a small portion of protein and fat (minimal carbs) beforehand and a portion of protein and carbs (minimal fat) after. These are in addition to your three meals of the day.

I work out first thing, and find it works best to have something very small (like a handful of macadamia nuts, an egg, or a spoonfull of coconut manna, maybe?) first, then eat my breakfast meal after (I typically have a couple hard boiled eggs, about half a small roasted sweet potato, some steamed broccoli, cherry tomatoes and a few slices of roast beef). During my whole30 I tried hard to get some of the sweet potato and roast beef in right away after the workout, but for me it doesn't seem to make a difference if I shower first and eat the whole breakfast once I get to the office (about 20 minutes post-workout).

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I train early as well... Currently in our conditioning camp for competitive kickboxing, and it doesn't get any more intense...

I find since I've been acclimating to the W30, FAT has been my best friend pre workout ... I eat a couple of eggs because I tolerate them well but I also have a large avocado mashed with olive oil and a fistful of almonds and cashews.... This really gives me the energy I need to power through.... We don't lift any thing heavy, but simulate five min rounds by doing non stop burpees, jump boxes, tractor tire flips, ect for five min on, one min rest.... 3-5 rounds. Then we run, spare a few rounds.....

It will take a while to acclimate .... But before when I used whey, I felt sluggish at first and it took me a while to get going, now eating good fats it's like burning rocket fuel....

Worth a try... And eat lean protein post....

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Personally I have a peanut butter demon so I'm very carful with almond/cashew/ hazelnut butters and try to use them only as a condiment. ( yes I could eat a whole jar before I know it).

That said bang for your buck..... Once you are fat adapted a Tbsp or so of nutbutter will set you on fire..... If I have long workouts, or teaching, doing a couple of classes in a row I keep "Artisana" brand nutbutters in my gym bag.... They come in convienient one serving packages, just tear open and squeeze into your mouth..... No burping, or stomach upset issues.... I feel the heat building back up as soon as I eat one ....

Just a thought :)

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