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New to Whole 30


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Hi! I'm Sarah! I've done variations of clean eating to paleo-ish, but first time doing Whole 30.  Haven't had roadblocks (yet), but did battle headaches and continue to be in a bit of energy slump - I went to bed at 8pm yesterday because I was depleted.  Hoping to read good things from everyone.  Wish me luck!

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You should look on this website for the whole30 timeline.  Seriously.  While your results may vary, it does kind of validate you so you don't think you've gone insane.  :-)

One thing is that "the degree of suck" you experience in your first days is in proportion to what you were eating the days before you started.  But you say you were paleo-ish.  So perhaps not a big jump for you as it is for other who suddenly give up grains and legumes and sugar.

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Hi All! 

I am a Whole30 newbie. I am in UK and have been inspired to try whole30 by BBC's 'Dr in the house', Dr Rangan Chatterjee. He is currently doing great things for people by thinking  outside the box (ie NOT just treating symptoms but the whole body and lifestyle) through Whole30. I have multiple diagnoses of lots of different illness and ailments, but the dots have only been joined for a matter of days. I was just a week ago diagnosed with h-EDS. I also have ME/FM/PCOS to name a few of the big ones. 

I started my whole30 on June 3rd and stupidly fell off the wagon on 12th by eating 4 (!) slices of seeded granary bread. This bread made me feel HORRENDOUS for two days, so on 13th I got straight back on it. So (again) on day 3! I look forward to checking in with you all. Xx

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Thanks Tinman! I will check that out tomorrow over my morning coffee! I don't feel lost and I'm definitely a sugar junkie, but any helpful info will definitely keep me on track. 

Yeah, I call it paleo-ish because I was about 70/30 paleo. I did allow a beer or drink end of the week and I eat dark chocolate on the regular. We don't eat out very often (1-2x month max) so I eat what I want when we do. 

However since last fall i really stopped paying attention, gained weight, struggle going to the gym, and just felt awfully. Physically awful and like an overall loser. We planned for 10 days before starting whole 30. Collected receipes. Changed my work hours so I can get more sleep etc. 

I am surprised at the energy slump because I assumed I would bounce back a little faster since I'm not a complete stranger, but alas it's there.  

Thanks again! I will check it out!

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