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Am I doing this right?

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This was day 7 for me.  I've been expecting the side effects to show up and so far I haven't really had any - slight headache for 2 days and a few minor gastrointestinal challenges.  That's it!  I didn't and don't want the side effects, but I was consuming a lot of bad foods before I started and I was prepared for the worse.  Since that didn't happen I'm worried I am doing something wrong.  My meals for today were:

Breakfast - 3egg scramble with prosciutto and a handful of cherry tomatoes

Lunch - bowl of chili from the recipe in the Whole30 book

Supper - 2 slices of garlic/thyme roasted pork loin, roasted garlic herb potatoes, 3 slices of tomatoes with prosciutto/fresh basil and the oil/vinegar dressing from the Greek salad recipe and a small dish of fresh pineapple and mango.

Small handful of cashews in the afternoon

This is pretty typical of my eating this week.  I've read every label then double and triple checked just to make sure I wasn't missing anything.   Any thoughts would be appreciated!!  Thanks!


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This looks good to me although two suggested tweaks (and I am not an expert, so these are just my observations) ...1) can you add a little more fat to your meals like avocado or home made mayo?  2) I try to steer clear of nuts and fruit.  They're "allowed" but the nuts bother my tummy  and it's easy to eat too much of them.  The fruit definitely keeps the sugar dragon roaring.  So on fruit, I only have as part of a meal and try to have ones that are lower in sugar like a really crisp tart apple or something.  Hope this helps!!  Way to go on nailing your first week!

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Also keep in mind you can purchase compliant fats at some grocery stores if you're not having time to meal prep - premade mayo, dressings, and guacomole are my go-tos. I would also recommend being careful with nuts, seeds, fruits, and potatoes. They have definitely impacted my results in the past. 

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