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It is 50 days since I started whole30. I tried a single buttered corn on the cob for re-entry & it was yummy, but no need to repeat that. Used to have low carb ice cream every day, but none at all now. I drink mostly sparkling water with lime sections. I've had to half my blood pressure med 'cause pressure went too low. Stopped having constipation. I've never eaten so much vegetables & fruit in my life. Breakfast is commonly spinach, green bell pepper, onions, & tomatoes, 3 egg omelette. Very little coffee. Using salt more because you pointed out non-processed foods have lowered my salt intake. I'm sleeping very well, excercising most days with moderate weights & 2 mile walk. Lost 8lbs in 1st 30 days & plan on another weight at day # 60 to avoid weight dependent mood swings. So glad I overheard someone encouraging my friend to try whole30. He didn't, I did.

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