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Headache on Day 1


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Today was my first day with Whole30. I’ve never done it before. Today I got a really bad migraine in the afternoon. I ate eggs and plantains this morning. For lunch I had some meatballs and oven roasted potatoes. I didn’t work out today but I have been drinking water.

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Do you get migraines often? Could this just be something that might have happened regardless of what you were eating? Or did you give up coffee/have considerably less coffee than normal today? Caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches for a few days. 

It's really hard to say if something you've eaten caused this, unless it's a normal reaction to some foods for you. You do want to make sure you're eating meals that match the meal template -- it's hard to tell since you haven't listed serving sizes, but your meals might be on the small side, especially as far as vegetables, and you don't list any added fat. You'll want to pick one or two of the fat options listed at each meal, generally in addition to any oil you cook in since that oil often gets left behind in the pan and isn't eaten. Also be sure you're salting your food to taste. 


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The first week or so, it's common to notice a lack of energy.  Here's a timeline of what you may experience throughout your 30 days:  https://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/

Do make sure you're eating enough, adding one or two of the fat options listed on the meal template to each meal in addition to what you cook in, that you're drinking plenty of water (1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120 lb person needs at least 60 oz), and that you salt your food to taste. 

Download the meal template here:  https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/

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