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Hi, I had a gastric bypass years ago and have a very small appetite at one sitting so I get full then hungry half hour later.  I am starting Wednesday and tried today but I can't go more than couple hours in between meals. What kind of snacks can I have?  thanks 


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We would encourage you to always base whatever you eat on the meal template, just scale down the size to what works for you. So don't think of "snacks" so much, but mini meals. Have some protein, some fat, and some vegetables each time you eat.

You could hard boil eggs, grill or bake chicken, cook meatballs or burger patties, or make up a batch of tuna salad to have for several meals. Roast enough vegetables for multiple meals, or make a pot of soup, or if you tend to be home and able to take the time to cook fresh for most of your meals, keep vegetables cut up in the fridge so you can grab a handful or two to stir fry for a meal.

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