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Advice for Beginners?


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Officially starting my first Whole30 tomorrow and a little nervous to be honest! I've tried to clean up my eating a la the Whole30 guidelines recently, but I've frankly been falling flat on my face in all efforts. I've started the past few days strong, but somehow after dinner I find myself craving a bit of chocolate or something sweet which inevitably turns into an all out dessert binge. Half the time I don't even really want what I'm eating. Every night this week I've gone to bed saying that "tomorrow I'll be better," but every night seems to end the same. So I finally decided to do this whole thing properly and have signed up for the daily newsletters and comitted to the program. Does anyone have any tips for staying on the wagon, particularly in a house full of SAD eaters?


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Hi Newbie - my suggestion is be prepared! Try and plan your week's meals, prepare on the weekend as much as you can, have 'go to' snacks and meals that you can prepare easily when you're too tired to cook in the evening. The freezer may be your new best friend!

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I would agree with being prepared! Both physically, by having things on hand, but also mentally. I place inspiring things around in spots where I will see them (on the fridge). Knowing what you personally can and can't handle is important as well. If your family needs to have junk food in the house, try to put it in a cabinet that is out of your sight.

Also, a big thing for me is to have plenty of variety in my diet. If I'm bored with what I'm eating, I will eat something I shouldn't. So it's not enough to just have compliant food around.

And I try to surround myself with inspiration. I keep my music and reading material very positive and uplifting when I start a whole 30. Oh, and I'm getting ready to start my third one, and this time I'm doing a whole 100.

Good luck!

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When I started, I physically removed temptations so they weren't available. If somethings in the cupboard, i might cave in and have it but if I actually have to go out and buy it, then it's much easier to resist. I'd also never been a breakfast eater but I found that having breakfast really did seem to reset my hormones so I wasn't hungry in the evenings. Above all make sure you eat enough so you're not hungry. Good luck, it really is a lot easier than you might suppose and soooo worth it.

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Have you read ISWF?

It explains in detail the physical reactions our bodies have when we eat certain foods and the real psychological effects they produce.....

It's NOT you, you are not weak or failing, or falling short, so don't be discouraged...... It's almost all modern society who eats a moder diet. Eating sugar/ refined carbs leads to insulin spikes which leads to a whole cascade of hormonal imbalances and ( here's the kicker) releases tons of feel good serotonin and endorphins which reinforces the bad behavior......

OK.... Knowing this doesn't give you a free pass, that's what Whole30 is about..... The only way to " kick" is to do it cold turkey and be 100% sugar free ( I would not eat fruit if I were you as you are sensitive and it may trigger you) and I swear to you..... You will find freedom within a week!!!! Time to dig deep and see what you are made of, get out of your comfort zone, you are stronger than any food on earth....

( for the first few days....every time you crave sugar take five min, lay quietly on your back and breath deeply in through your nose and out of your mouth, slowing and deepening your breath, filling your lungs, with healing breaths ...."Pranayama yoga breaths". It really helps)

. You will look back and laugh at how easy it is once you have slayed your sugar dragon......

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I just started yesterday. Welcome to the club!

I have never done a Whole30, but I've cleaned up my diet before. If I get cravings after dinner, when I know I shouldn't even be hungry, I drink a mug of decaf tea. It really helps. It's also relaxing.

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Wow, thanks for all the support and advice! First day hasn't been easy, I came home from work ravenous after missing lunch (bad idea, I know) and even after a filling meal of chicken, ham, avocado, and almond butter I was still looking for something else...found myself in front of the freezer with a pint of ice cream in one hand and my spoon in the other! Talked myself off the ledge though, mostly by telling myself that I couldn't fail after just half a day, that would be too sad. I had some fruit with almond butter instead. Whew, close one though!

You guys all have such great ideas though, so glad I came here! Removing all the junk from the kitchen would be optimal, but unfortunately the other three people I live with aren't following the plan. And I've just requested It Starts With Food from my library, so hopefully reading that will keep me on the straight and narrow. Love the comment about surronding myself with inspriration, I think I just need to be constantly reminding myself why I'm doing this.

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Tea is definitely a good after-dinner "treat!" When I did my first Whole30, I was an athlete and used to eating anything I wanted, meaning that I ALWAYS had dessert after dinner. During my Whole30 I replaced the dessert with tea to get a little "closure" on the meal and satisfy my cravings for a little "extra" after dinner. Best of luck to you!

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