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Peppers and Brussel Sprouts cause unpleasant side effects

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I cannot cannot CAN NOT eat green peppers. It's insane how fast and hard they hurt me.

I don't have a definitive answer on why they might bother you.....maybe volume? Maybe you don't eat much cabbage in a sitting but can snarf down half a pound of brussel sprouts easily (<-- I did this last night...woops!)

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Peppers are a nightshade and a lot of people have problems with them. Brussels are a high FODMAP food, but it would be strange to have issues with brussels without having issues with cabbage, broccoli, etc. Are you cooking them differently?

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@RandiW - cabbage I usually boil with carrots and potatoes or eat it raw in coleslaw. Broccoli I generally steam with cauliflower.  Brussel sprouts I've only eaten roasted with some compliant oil/salt/pepper. They taste pretty yummy going down but within an hour I'm pretty miserable. The peppers are an issue whether cooked or raw :( I also don't eat onions or raw tomatoes (actually very little cooked tomatoes either - just a little bit of sauce for spaghetti squash type stuff) or mushrooms. I don't seem to have any issues with potatoes which are also a nightshade, correct? This is why I'm stumped.

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On 12/20/2017 at 5:37 PM, ladyshanny said:

I cannot cannot CAN NOT eat green peppers. It's insane how fast and hard they hurt me.

I don't have a definitive answer on why they might bother you.....maybe volume? Maybe you don't eat much cabbage in a sitting but can snarf down half a pound of brussel sprouts easily (<-- I did this last night...woops!)

I ate one brussel sprout last night (off my friend's plate) and it was less bothersome but still not pleasant. I don't eat a ton of cabbage - mainly small serving of coleslaw, sauerkraut, or boiled with potatoes and carrots. Green (or any other color) peppers I actually began avoiding long before I was introduced to Whole30.

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  • 2 weeks later...

potatoes tend to be less of a problematic nightshade, don't ask me why. i just know i struggle with peppers, tomatoes and eggplant (the first two i can't eat raw, maybe very rarely cooked, eggplant i can no longer eat at all). But I have no problem with potatoes. ::shrug::

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