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Problem: lactation bites

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So we’re starting our very first whole30 tomorrow. I’m still nursing my 7 month old, and trying to build my freezer milk stash for my first upcoming weekend away from baby. I’ve been eating these no-bake lactation bites throughout breastfeeding because they literally double my pumped milk production. But every single ingredient is banned in the whole30 :-( I don’t know how to keep production up without these. {I’ve tried other things & this is the only thing that worked}. Any suggestions???


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The reason these keep up your production is because they are hella high in calories and carbs. There's nothing about peanut butter or honey or chocolate chips that improves lactation besides their energy value.

Therefore, eat food. Lots and lots of food. Keep your fat high (lots of coconut milk, mayo, guac, olives etc) and make sure you get plenty of starchy veggies. Because you're going to replace all this sugar/simple carbs with real foods, you're going to need far more of them than you think. Sip coconut milk all day, snack on cans of olives, eat the whole sweet potato, make your meals large! And drink tonnes of water.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

Have you tried Mother's Milk Tea.  I always saw a bump up the following day (probably because I had an extra 48 oz of water drinking all the tea ;) )!  Did those cookies really double output?  That is crazy!  

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