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Starting January 10th


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Hello hello to all that read this. I'm really excited to be a part of this movement so to speak. Health has been a passion of mine for a very long time. I battle with some weight problems off and on. My biggest issue is getting enough exercise because I'm lazy. I also have a problem with dairy and lately sugar since I stopped drinking alcohol. I really want to figure out if I have any issues with any foods and I know that this is the first step to doing that. My friend got me this book for Christmas and I'm thankful to the universe for putting it in my path because I really needed it. Super excited to start on the 10th of January. Planning majorly for the first seven days and then I'll be back on here to comment further.

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My husband and I are starting tomorrow too! I've done this a couple times before but I have a 13 month old baby now, which is going to make things a little harder (who am I kidding, a lot harder). Glad there are a couple others out there who are also starting mid week!

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I'm on Day 2, so we're both newbies! Welcome!

I find it really useful to exercise with a friend. I met up with my one colleague at a gym last night for about 45 min of treadmill walking. Nothing fast and furious, but enough to get me moving after a long day of driving (I was returning home from a vacation). It helped having her along because I had someone to pass the time with! 45 minutes FLEW by! Good luck on your journey! 

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