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Starting W30(45) 01-01-2013 + CheckIn


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Check-In / Christiaan (name, not religion); Male; 25; England; Single; No kids; Office Job.

So 2012 is quickly approaching it's end. There are (for me in England) all but thirteen and a quarter hours left.

There are many things this year that I wanted to accomplish and achieve that I unfortunately haven't done. I have learnt a lot though, all of which I will take in to the New Year.

2013 holds promise already with a new job role. A step in the right direction for some real career progression. A role that I look forward to getting my teeth sunk in to.

I guess life is what we make it, so this coming year 0f 2013 also holds some great nutrition for me and continued training in my Martial Arts disciplines, and Crossfit.

My main motivation for my W30(45) is fat rid. I call it fat rid because it's not loss. I have no intention of finding the fat that I get rid of. Lol. There is a lot of it that I have to get rid of, so I need to make some real changes in my eating habits. As aforementioned I do a lot of training, it's my nutrition that holds me back. “You can't out train a bad diet!â€

Instead of waiting to start on the second owing to a hangover of sorts I shall commence my journey as of 01/01/2013. Tonight I shan't be going out and having drinks at a party or in a nightclub, instead I will remain sober so that I can see the New Year in with a fresh start.

I've also mentioned that I want to do a W45. Not explicitly, in my title only and once more in the body of text above.

The reason being, my father is in Australia on a 3 year business contract, and I'm going out to see him February 16th. So rather aptly there are 46 days from tomorrow before my departure. I shall endeavour to do my utmost as far as W30 is concerned whilst out there. I shall get my 45 under my (soon to be looser) belt first and then if I can continue out there I shall. If not, I'll start a new one when I return March 10th. That is all in the future though let's focus on the now.

So today is my Day 0. I'm at work today, and when I return home this evening I shall be clearing my cupboards of poor choices, and I shall have one last blow out meal, a pizza perhaps. I'll set myself some new goals, as per the W30 print outs. Then I shall attack Day 1 with vigour and enthusiasm. I got this!

Rather then babble on for fear of loosing you, I shall call it quits here. I don't want to loose you, you see.

So please check in with me and let's do this together. We can inspire one another and help out when the times are bad, share good practices and all the like.

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Hi, Welcome to the forum. There's quite a few of us in the UK now which can be handy for swapping tips on where to get things etc. I started my 2nd W30 today. I did a W60 and remained about 90+% compliant but have noticed habbits I'd rather not have, beginning to creep in so I'm going to completely clean it up by going back to basics. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

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Well, since this is adding up to be an "international" group, I'll check in with you all! I'm Lisa from Switzerland and I've been paleo for a long time now. I've done several Whole 30s, the longest being about 80-90 days. I am always 100% grain, legume, refined sugar and soy free but tend to over indulge in cream in my coffee.

I'm a nurse and a certified nutrition consult and I occasionally lead nutrition sessions and paleo challenges here in Switzerland. I blog about all things paleo at www.swisspaleo.ch. I'm doing another Whole 30 to gain control of my 'paleo treat' habit. I also need to get a grip on my nut habit.

I'm not looking forward to drinking my coffee black, but the last time I cut cream I lost 3kg (that should give you an idea of how much cream I use :rolleyes: !)

Good luck everybody!

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Hi, I'm Kelly from St. Louis, MO. I am starting the Whole30 on 1/1/13. I am usually 99% paleo, but I have let the sugar slip in more than I realized. Mostly by Paleofied recipes. I also need to lose at least 5 pounds and would like to reap some of the other benefits of this plan such as a good night's sleep. I'm a little nervous and excited all at once. :rolleyes:

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