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My 30 day over Christmas 100% compliant success story


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Yup, I did it! Today is Day 31 of my 100 day adventure.

I feel like there is so much to say and nothing to say at all.

CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY are 2 of the most important lessons I took away from my Whole30. There is no mindless anything on a Whole30...think about what you are doing every single time a hand with food or drink goes to your mouth and have no blind trust in packages, labels and the word of other. Most people don't know canola is a grain oil, that is your responsibility and when it doubt LEAVE IT OUT!

I started December.1st right when people were just starting the Christmas fattening. I didn't purposely thumb my nose at M&D's suggestion to not undertake a W30 over the holidays but I felt totally confident in myself....and guess what...I WAS RIGHT. 30 days of 100% compliance through all the Christmas crap and if I am honest, I am feeling darn smug at my success while others piled on the pounds.

I was and still am 100% compliant. I am in the all or nothing camp and to me a real true W30 means following the very specific and purposeful plan to.a.T. To me there is no "100%...but I accidentally consumed ____". "Accidentally" means a lack of consciousness.

I also didn't abuse fruit or nuts. I can count on 2 hands the amount of times that I had both over the course of the 30 days and my W30 showed me that even when I do eat a small amount of nuts I feel yucky...so I don't eat them anymore.

I was totally caffeine-free until Day 27 when all the 'booch lovers peer pressured me into the tangy delicousness (I still only have 3oz of kombucha a day which has a small amounts of caffeine)

I did this as a lifestyle change...a total revolution for me and my whole family (husbie and 2 little toddlers). Even the toddlers ate W30 compliant. We are changing our relationships with food for the better and for the long term.

I also figured out that I am a sugar addict and that 30 days is no where near long enough to starve the patient sugar dragon. I have seen lots of posts on here about people totally blowing it after 30 days...WHY? Because 30 days isn't long enough to fix a lifetime of abuse (hence my W100).

I discovered homemade mayo, bone, broth and a love of organ meat (seriously...try FenderBender's chopped liver recipe!). I tried and liked beets and I tried and still dislike sauerkraut but I opened myself up to eating things I never thought I would prior to my W30.

You will find a way or you will find excuses and I personally have no time for a woe is me attitude or excuses and people who want to bend the program to their own tastes. Do it right or don't do it at all.

The program is hard, but hard for a reason and I did it at the hardest time of the year with 100% compliance. We packed all of our own food to bring the the Christmas dinner we were invited to. We planned to be successful and we were (despite the all the danites and booze we could have packed in our piehoes).

I know my tough love approach is not favourable with most but coddling had gotten us all to the point we were at pre-W30...maybe more tough love is what everyone needs and if I (and my husband) can be successful in the face of the biggest food binging time of year than everyone else can be at the biggest resolution time of the year.

If you want to read a much more cuss word filled review of my W30 check out my blog. I kept it PG for the forums.

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YOU ROCK. And your blog rocks. Great job!

I'm one of those people that completely blew it after a very successful Whole 30 - gained every single one of my 25 pounds lost back. I knew, KNEW, knew I didn't need to stop at Day 30 but was so sick of eggs I did anyone - no gradual reintroduction just jumped back in to everything with no plan. That said I'm starting a Whole 60 on Jan 4.

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Congrats on your success! I joined the site about when you did, I think, and it's been nice getting to know you through food.

(Interesting to read about your enjoyment of the "tough love" approach. It was one of the things that kept me from the site entirely during my first Whole30, because I am not even a little bit open to that approach. I can see that it works well for others - you are a great example - so I congratulate you and hope that tough love will continue to win the day for you.)

See you 'round the Whole100! Congrats and Happy New Year!

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Thanks Amy! I have loved getting to you know you too. Your posts are always delicate and eloquent (everything I am not)

Best of luck to both of us in 2013! (and I secretly keep watching to see how things are going with your lady friend ;) )

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Thanks Amy! I have loved getting to you know you too. Your posts are always delicate and eloquent (everything I am not)

Best of luck to both of us in 2013! (and I secretly keep watching to see how things are going with your lady friend ;) )

Hey, maybe that's why get get along great - the differences in approach make a good blend!

Yes, best of luck to us both in 2013! I'm committed through April 10. It's a relief to know this is true, and it has generated new ideas for my entire life.

(Not to derail your own thread, but in answer to your question, there was an Interesting turn of events - that particular very lovely person rediscovered love with her former partner, and frankly, I couldn't be happier for them both. (Watch it or I'll start quoting lines from A Princess Bride soon...) The conversation she and I had in that process caused me to evaluate, and then re-evaluate, everything in my life and relationships and personal ethics, and I discovered several things about myself that I just didn't know. One thing was that this sort of funky, stumbling, sweet, odd, out of the way online relationship I've been having (and questioning) is what I actually want. Who knew?)

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