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Dianne C

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I know W30 is absolutely no sugar but does anyone know if after it is over, would swerve be a decent choice for a sweetner to bake with? Someone who has severe sugar allergies uses this and says it is great.  But I am trying to find out more info.  Thanks

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Hi @Dianne C - we don't research and give recommendations on "less bad" here on the forum, sorry. Your best bet is to test it out during reintroductions just like any other item. It appears to be based on sugar alcohols which can be really problematic for some people's digestion. You really just have to test it out and do some research for yourself on whether sugar alcohols would fit in with your definition of healthful foods.

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2 minutes ago, Dianne C said:

I know W30 is absolutely no sugar but does anyone know if after it is over, would swerve be a decent choice for a sweetner to bake with? Someone who has severe sugar allergies uses this and says it is great.  But I am trying to find out more info.  Thanks

You'd need to try it and see - we don't give recommendations on the best off plan items to use after the fact so this is probably not the ideal place to get this info but maybe some baking forums f you google?

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