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Strange Reaction to Dairy (and corn question)


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I did a reintroduction of dairy today. I had Siggi’s pasture raised, whole milk yogurt (strawberry flavor). First off, ridiculously sweet. My tolerance for sweetness is so low right now. BUT... as I was eating it I developed a strange aftertaste in my mouth almost immediately. Didn’t even finish it (yay for the one bite rule). But then it got strange. About 5 min later I had tightness in my throat, heavy mucus and coughing. The coughing lasted about 15 minutes, like a clearing the through but my throat was aggravated. In the past when I have ice cream the same thing happens with a coughing fit and mucus buildup. What on earth is going on here!? I am able to have butter without any issues. I am not even going to waste my time with other dairy products if that is going to happen again!

And I am also curious if I should try whole corn (as in a cob) in addition to the homemade corn tortilla I had with no reaction. I feel like the body would digest those differently.

Thanks in advance!

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29 minutes ago, tifferlee said:

I did a reintroduction of dairy today. I had Siggi’s pasture raised, whole milk yogurt (strawberry flavor). First off, ridiculously sweet. My tolerance for sweetness is so low right now. BUT... as I was eating it I developed a strange aftertaste in my mouth almost immediately. Didn’t even finish it (yay for the one bite rule). But then it got strange. About 5 min later I had tightness in my throat, heavy mucus and coughing. The coughing lasted about 15 minutes, like a clearing the through but my throat was aggravated. In the past when I have ice cream the same thing happens with a coughing fit and mucus buildup.

It sounds like this is not a new issue for you given that it has happened to you before with ice cream. You might want to consider testing out the different aspects of dairy (whey, casein etc). Some dairy might be fine and some might be problematic for you.

You can certainly try corn in different preparations if that is something you think would be valuable to you.

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4 minutes ago, ladyshanny said:

It sounds like this is not a new issue for you given that it has happened to you before with ice cream. You might want to consider testing out the different aspects of dairy (whey, casein etc). Some dairy might be fine and some might be problematic for you.

You can certainly try corn in different preparations if that is something you think would be valuable to you.

I chugged some milk (LOL) to see what would happen. It wasn't as severe but still, mucus city in my throat and mouth! Ugh. So I know it has happened before but not to this level. Is it possible that maybe I am just more in tune to it now post elimination? I am not sure I care about diary that much to keep trying. Is that ok?

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1 hour ago, tifferlee said:

I chugged some milk (LOL) to see what would happen. It wasn't as severe but still, mucus city in my throat and mouth! Ugh. So I know it has happened before but not to this level. Is it possible that maybe I am just more in tune to it now post elimination? I am not sure I care about diary that much to keep trying. Is that ok?

Could be that you're more in tune, for sure. The not caring enough to keep trying is up to you. Now is the time to get as definitive of results as you can so that later, out in the world, you know what to expect if you are ever confronted with dairy.

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21 minutes ago, ladyshanny said:

Could be that you're more in tune, for sure. The not caring enough to keep trying is up to you. Now is the time to get as definitive of results as you can so that later, out in the world, you know what to expect if you are ever confronted with dairy.

Good point! While I am feeling awful, it is worth knowing. That is where the empowered choices come from. Thanks for your help!

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I actually just discovered I had a similar reaction to butter (didn't bother with any other cow dairy since I know I can't handle it). I almost immediately had congestion/mucus in the back of my throat after one meal with butter and it lingered into the next day. I only had butter with breakfast and lunch because I hated that feeling so much. It's ghee for me from now on!

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