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Day 39 of 30. Reintro Worry. Condiments, compliant bars, etc.


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I could really use some guidance. I am afraid of going off the rails with the apparent inability to reintroduce according to the Plan. I thought it would be easy to reintroduce, but I am not really ready or interested in legumes or rice. I would like to be able to eat bacon, ketchup with reduced sugar, and some dressings. I am a pet sitter/dog walker and am in my car most of the day. It is impossible to eat lettuce wraps in the car, and in the old days, Kind bars were a staple. During the whole30  I occassionally had a Larabar cashew cookie, but tried hard to break the habit of bars. But, let's face it, my schedule makes it impossible for me to have real meals, this is just my life. What about Paleo Valley supergreens, and the RX Bar? Thoughts?

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You don't have to reintroduce things that you don't want to reintroduce, but one reason we'd suggest doing it now, when you've just finished your Whole30, is that you already have a clean slate to work with. However, you might find that a slow roll reintroduction is a better option for you:  https://whole30.com/2014/09/dear-melissa-slow-reintroduction-roll/    If being able to have bacon or dressings or ketchup with some added sugar but otherwise compliant ingredients makes life easier for you, you can have those and do the slow roll reintroduction of other items as they come up. 

After Whole30, you can decide what's worth it for you. Bars are convenient, but definitely pay attention to how you feel when you have them instead of a real meal. If you feel like they're not keeping you satisfied from meal to meal, or you don't have as much energy, or just aren't feeling as great when you have them regularly, be honest with yourself about that and see if you can find better options. If you have issues with a sweet tooth/sugar dragon, better options might be jerky or meat bars (like Epic bars, although there are other brands too, I think, especially if you don't mind some added sugar post-Whole30). 

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