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Day 41 no weight loss


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I'm fifty-six years old and I did Whole30 with no cheats. I've been walking (enough to break a good sweat and doing intervals to get heart rate up) least least six times a week. Really adhering to fats, protein, and veggie framework. A little fruit on occasion and macadamia nuts added to salad maybe twice a week. No snacks ever. I'm not starving. I've tried to eat dinner before 7PM, then nothing except cup of herbal tea until breakfast the next day. I have osteo arthritis and that is for sure feeling a bit better. I'm enjoying trying new recipes and shopping for fruits, veggies, and meat, chicken, salmon, a couple of lamb chops, etc... Aside from a headache for the first few days, I've been dealing with constipation. I do take Magnesium powder at night and drink a lot of water, herbal tea, and some seltzer with lemon during the day to stay hydrated. I also drink two cups of coffee in the morning and sometimes add a teaspoon of coconut oil to see it that will help. Last night, I got an email from my arthritis doctor from my last visit. When I went, they weighted me, but I told the nurse I did not want to look, nor did I want her to tell me what it said. But I did want to see the report he emailed my primary care doctor. I opened the file and clicked on the part that describes my condition, hoping not to see my vitals, including my weight. But there it was.....and I have lost 1 pound. I was shocked! And disappointed that I saw it. And discouraged that one: I cared so much and 2: I hadn't lost more given the amount of exercise and healthy meals. My belt buckle has tighten three holes, so something is happening. And I feel pretty good, but what the heck. I felt like I was losing pounds. I feel like there's a roll of fat around my middle from sugar and alcohol that I'm hoping will fall away as I can feel the real body underneath. My ideal weight seems to be twenty-five pounds less than I am right now. But I don't want to skip meals or eat less than suggested. How in the world do I hang in there with hopes that my body will regulate. I decided to do another 30 with no break, so I am on day 40 right now. I've even been compliant when I've been in social situations and out for dinner. It's not really that difficult, but I feel discouraged. No wonder we're not supposed to look at the scale!!!! I do plan on eating this way always with an occasional glass of really good red wine and piece of chocolate. But not until I feel like I've let go of the extra fat I'm carrying around. Any encouragement?

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Who says your ideal weight is 25 pounds less? How do you know that? What if you weighed exactly what you weigh right now, but had energy to walk every day, and do whatever fun things you want to do, and you looked good in your clothes, and your skin looked good, and your hair and nails were strong, and your arthritis was less painful, and you were eating food that tasted good and kept you satisfied for hours at a time each meal -- would that really be so awful?

I know you say you drink plenty of water, but are getting at least 1/2 oz per pound of body weight (so a 120-lb person needs at least 60 oz)? And more on days you're sweating more? Are you eating plenty of vegetables, at least 2-3 cups at each meal, a mix of different types of veggies throughout the week (so some leafy green stuff, some starchy stuff, some other types like zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower)? Are you adding fat to each meal, generally one or two servings in addition to what you cook in? These are probably the biggest factors in constipation. 

Try to concentrate on the non-scale victories you've seen -- here's a handy checklist to give you some ideas, but feel free to add others that aren't on there (and yes, actually write them down as you notice them, having a list to refer to when you're feeling down can be really helpful): https://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-nsv.pdf

Be sure that at some point you do reintroductions, so you know how different foods affect you, so you can figure out your own rules for how to eat going forward. 

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Oh, AmyAllyn, I am so sorry this feels discouraging - especially since it sounds as though you are knocking it out of the park in term of improving your health.  I am with Shannon - concentrate on those NSVs while you stick with it.  You are doing such good things for yourself.  Don't let one number define who you are....and don't believe it will never change.

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I guess it's too late to ask this but did you by any chance take measurements at the start?  There are some pretty amazing tales (and photos) of people who are doing "everything right" but the weight doesn't change.  But the before and after photos are so very different that you doubt the veracity of the story. 

The scale is only one method of measurement.  If you are fitting into clothing better and your belt needs to be tightened and your bra is getting gapey, then you are doing well.  Please don't use weight as your only measure of success.

Hang in there!


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Hi Amy, I'd be sure to make sure you've had a full thyroid panel completed interpreted by a functional medicine or naturopath practitioner.  Also, have you had a more general hormone panel in a while?  

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