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Protein Bars


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Hi @FredF - there are no approved protein bars as the protein in most, if not all, comes from non compliant ingredients (eg, whey, pea etc). We really recommend that folks try and plan ahead a bit and have real food available to them both pre and post workout. It's not a lot, a couple bites of protein and fat before your workout and a couple/few bites of lean protein and starchy veggie afterwards. It's been interesting over the years reading about athletes who move away from processed/packaged pre and post workout to real food and the amazing results they've had in their fitness! 

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I tend to have some fruit before a workout and then nut butter or nuts afterwards depending on when I work out.  A lot of times it's in the evening so I just have my dinner after a workout instead.  RX Bars aren't exactly protein bars but many of them are compliant.  The Pumpkin Spice one out right now is amazing.  I Also like the blueberry one although it's too sweet. Just be careful as many have chocolate or peanut butter. 

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37 minutes ago, pags98 said:

I tend to have some fruit before a workout and then nut butter or nuts afterwards depending on when I work out.  A lot of times it's in the evening so I just have my dinner after a workout instead.  RX Bars aren't exactly protein bars but many of them are compliant.  The Pumpkin Spice one out right now is amazing.  I Also like the blueberry one although it's too sweet. Just be careful as many have chocolate or peanut butter. 

Hi @pags98 - awesome if that is working for you! Our recommendations actually turn away from carbs beforehand so that the body accesses stored fat during the workout rather than the immediate sugar of fruit. We also recommend against fat post workout because it slows the uptake of recovery protein. 

Just a note: RX bars and larabars are not approved for anything besides emergency food so we suggest folks do not rely on them for pre or post workout (they don't meet the composition recommendations either) and definitely not for treats or for a sugar craving. :)

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Understandable.  I just know that a sweet potato with cashew butter in one case and some freeze dried blueberries in another case got me up and over a hill, down it and back up it on my bike that I'd struggled with. :) 

I'll continue to experiment.  I'll try the protein beforehand next time in lieu of carbs.

Thanks for the reminder on nuts though.  I keep getting conflicted in my brain as to whether they count as protein or fat and again got confused.  Definitely going to change that post workout - although usually my post workout is just my dinner meal so it's rare for me to have nuts for that. 

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