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Monday, Nov 5 - Starting Today! Who's with me?


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Hi everyone! Figured today was as good a day as ever to start. Just ran the NYC marathon yesterday and wrapped up a tough season of training, and want to try this before we really get in the thick of the holidays. Thanksgiving is easy enough (meat, vegetables, and pass on pumpkin pie!). 4 hours down, 30 days to go. Who's with me? 

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Yay! Congrats on the marathon! I'll be training this winter to run one next spring! The New York though! That's incredible! How did you do!?

I started my 4th round of whole30 yesterday! Was going to start today but come Saturday brunch I was satisfied to have that be my "last meal" ^_^ 

Happy Day 1!

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I am starting today. I'm aware that Thanksgiving will be a challenge. Spending it with friends who drink a lot and that has always been how we connect. They are also huge foodies. Any advice on navigating habits with certain groups of friends? Wanting to be included but finding a way to do that isn't focused on food and drink?

I am excited. Also, I'd love an accountability buddy if anyone is game.

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I started yesterday, the 5th, as well.  Needing a reset as I've found bad habits creeping back in.  

@Samantha10021 Congrats on the marathon, that's amazing!!!

@DLB When navigating with friends, I've found it easiest to find ways to not feel "left out" as friends are drinking/indulging.  I'll stock up on La Croix to enjoy; if at a party, I'll bring W30 compliant snacks for the group.  Also, it helps to remember that the next day you will feel FANTASTIC while they may be waking up to a hangover lol.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!  Hope everyone is having a good Day #2!.

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