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Vacation after Whole 30 - what to expect


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I will be going on a cruise and visiting five different islands about a week after I finish up my 2nd round of Whole 30. I'm wondering if there are things I can expect such as will I get really bloated right away after eating  things I have eliminated for two months (I'm doing a back to back with just one day break in between for a special occasion dinner). Especially having alcohol back in my system and knowing I may over indulge from time to time. So reintroduction aside, if you just start eating everything you eliminated, who has experienced any side affects to this - aside from probably feeling icky. I want to try different island foods, etc. but have any type of meds I may need around too. Thanks!

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Oh, that's a hard one for us to comment on! Bloating, cravings, skin issues, digestive upset, moods, headaches, energy etc are all reported responses to different reintroduced foods. It really is impossible for us to say that you will experience one or the other or all or none. I would probably try to stay closer to Whole30 on the trip and in the week before reintroduce the things you KNOW you'll want to indulge in (dairy or gluten would be good starts).

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Thank you! I had a friend who is a fitness bikini competitor and she usually reverse diets after doing the competition strict prep. She went on a cruise right after a show and swelled up really bad - not sure if the salt, liquor, junk food. She had to go get water pills cause it was so bad. I'm curious if anyone has had anything like that happen to them. I'm a little freaked out I may blow up and be somewhere I can't get what I need. 

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