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Introduction of dairy after whole30

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I just finished my whole30 four (4) days ago. I was advised, from my crossfit affiliate, that I can introduce dairy to see how my body would react. I didn't have any extreme problems but I did find myself having hunger pangs. After reading the whole9 resources page on dairy, it made sense that the insulin response of dairy was the cause of this. I train at a crossfit gym 5 days a week and one of my goals is to get stronger and faster, as with most of us at the box. Before doing the whole30 I used to supplement with protein shakes post workout and I thought drinking organic whole milk would be better than introducing protein shakes back into my diet. But here's where I'm confused, this whole30 program says to avoid dairy by all means, which I successfully done, but is it OK to reintroduce is at part of a normal paleo diet post whole30? Whole9 supports "SFH", which is a nutritional supplement company, so are their whey protein products approved for the whole9 lifestyle for athletes in training on a daily basis? Or is it strictly a business sponsorship/relationship like GNC is to Crossfit Games and McDonalds is to the Olympics? Their products do have some added sugar, which again is confusing to the whole9 premise. I'd like to get some feedback as to how to approach extra protein and/or supplements for athletes after completing the whole30. I am apt to keeping the diet in line as I've benefited from the entire whole30 experience, but I need some assistance in moving forward. Thanks.


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This is going to be a personal decision. There are wildly varied opinions on dairy. Some people believe whole heartedly that it's acceptable while others have problems tolerating it or simply don't believe it's meant for human consumption. I think the whole9life endorsement for SFH is mostly for their fish oil. You could always eat some turkey or chicken or salmon or something easily digestible for a post workout meal. If you tolerate dairy or whey and you think you need it then it's really up to you. If you are going to consume dairy, I'd advise trying to find sources from grass-fed cows which is not terribly easy but it is possible but do some research...there's quite a bit of info on dairy throughout the paleosphere.

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Even if your stomach does not become upset when you eat dairy, dairy will spike your insulin and disrupt the balance of your hormones. My personal choice is to avoid dairy as much as possible, including whey. Of course, I've already read It Starts With Food and now have a clear picture of how important hormonal balance is and how dairy messes with it. Moreover, protein powders are simply not necessary. You can get all the protein your need quickly and simply by eating real food.

My personal favorite for post-workout meals is sardines packed in water, unless I have lean meat or fish leftovers. I am in a five-day-in-a-row heavy lifting program inspired by Easy Strength and my muscles are fully recovered each day. I'm having trouble with my shoulder and my elbow, but that's mechanics, not nutrition.

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