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Hello- I'm almost done with whole30 and over the last few days I have terrible bloating and very gassy after eating meals and snacks. It is usually after lunch or an apple, banana and nut butter snack. I feel like I can only eat sweet potatoes and eggs to not have gas and bloating. Help! 

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A full day or two of what your food/drink intake has been would be most helpful, but nut butter is the most likely culprit. Try cutting it out for a few days and see if you notice a difference. Nuts are notoriously hard on the digestive system. 

Another question to ask yourself, are you eating more of something (fruit and/or nut butter) than you have been before?  If you're finding yourself snacking more than occasionally, be sure to fill your plate according to the Meal Template recommendations so you stay full at least 4 hours between meals. 

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While doing several whole30's in the past, I have found several things that are compliant but still cause me gas/bloating (macadamia nuts, walnuts, mushrooms, bell peppers etc...). That's the great thing about Whole30...one can begin to easily find the culprits of discomfort.  It could be the type of nuts in your nut butter and may be something you may have to limit for life. 

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