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Day 18, already planning to binge..advice?


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I am on day 18 and feeling great physically, energy is high....but having serious serious cravings which I have ignored but some days it's so bad that I get emotional. Anyway- I spend a lot of my days recently planning and talking and thinking about what I will eat as SOON as this is over. I plan on making a permanent lifestyle change after this w30- no grains, no dairy, grass fed/organic/ cage free meat, no fake sugar or scary ingredients that I can't pronounce, I do plan on having red wine and chocolate every once in a while. I'm am not sure I have the will power to not satisfy some of these cravings after, maybe they will hit the spot and I will be over it and get right back on track to a mostly paleo diet? I want things like cookies, candy, and chips- chips have been a life long serious addiction of mine! I don't know...just bummed that even though I feel good I still find myself planning to eat bad sometimes and am excited about the foods I've missed.

Any words of wisdom, or does anyone think what I'm experiencing is bad or wrong?

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I reckon pretty normal. It takes time for our bodies to get used to a new way of eating. Your sugar demon is calling, and bingeing on junk will only feed it. But I'm sure you know this!

I gave in to cravings after 10 days, so I absolutely know how this feels, but trust me you will not feel better for it, it will not make your diet better in any way shape or form, and it will not make it easier to eat paleo long term. I was getting cravings I think because I needed to eat more - I wasn't feeling satisfied because I was still calorie restricting. Maybe you need to eat a bit more at meal times, or include some more carbs like sweet potatoes or root veg?

I do know how much it can suck though to feel like this. But keep going. Honestly, you will feel better for it in the end.

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I've Melissa say somewhere (I don't remember where or I would quote it) that you can be healthy and not be PERFECT. You are doing a W30, which is important, but the W30 is not a lifestyle in an of itself. You can sometimes splurge on things you want, but you have to know how that is going to impact your body and your overall health. You have to find the balance that will help you stay the healthiest long term.

Personally, I am counting down until I can reintroduce dairy. I've struggled the most with my cravings for cheese and greek yogurt. I am pretty positive that I have no issues with dairy and unless I discover something huge, I fully plan on eating this long term.

On the other hand, I know how gluten effects me... so this is something that I will "splurge" on, but do not plan to eat regularly because I know how I feel afterward. These are all choices we have to make on our own...

I think it's totally normal to want to go back to old habits, change is hard and uncomfortable. At least you have the ability to know what is going to make you healthy or not and can use that to your advantage.

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You have to decide if these things are calling to you in a healthy or unhealthy way. If you feel like it isn't healthy, consider extending your Whole30 to a Whole45 or more.

I usually don't end a Whole30 (I've done multiple at this point) until I have little to no desire for the old foods. They will still sneak back in (and it will be time for another Whole30). My Whole30s often go longer than 30 days of their own accord, and this is how I want it to be.

Just some food for thought... I'm sure others will chime in.

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I'm also facing similar feelings, but maybe not to the extent you're describing. I know what it's like to be emotionally attached to food, though. This will be my first successful attempt at whole30 after probably 6-7 tries (I'm on day 22), so I don't have any experience with reintroduction. As of now though, I have been toying with the idea of maybe re-introducing one food a week. i.e. I plan to have sushi the day after it's all over (rice), the next friday I am having lunch with coworkers and will be trying out corn tortillas (corn). It's my plan to re-introduce one food with a compliant week in between. I don't know how well it will work and I have still yet to read ISWF, but we'll see how it goes!

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Thanks for the advice! I caved and has a piece of dark chocolate and it was everything I hoped it would be haha. I'll be adding on days to my whole 30, for my first one I did great but I think I will do what most people on here seem to do....keep doing whole 30's or 45's until I no longer have that comfort relationship with food and sweets. Some days are just so hard! But I'm definitely over beating myself up about it :) I have worked out hard core and stuck 100% to the plan up until now.

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This helped me... I put cookies, grains, cake and such on my toxic poison list . I do not look at those foods the same!

When I wanted to stress eat.. It was protein. ALOT of it sometimes. Stress eating sucks but at least it is whole food and my body will get something from it.

Also from previous eating life style changes I knew when I would have a hard time for me it's about 6 weeks. During that time I would reinforce my new eating style. RE: re read it starts from food. You will get something from it you missed before. I personally read every website , forum or book I could find. When I was going to betray myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was right there too - literally planning out and dreaming about eating 'forbidden' foods. then the most amazing thing happened: my w30 ended, and i was ok. I knew that the foods weren't off limits forever, but i also didn't run right out and eat them all at once. i was most scared of binging on day 31, and instead i stayed w30 compliant. i wouldn't have believed it if i didn't witness it.

i went out on day 32, had my wine but steered clear of the noncompliant foods (except for a few french fries :)). In the past, the wine/fries combo could have set me off on a worldwide binging tour, but i held fast, mainly because i was really interested in seeing where reintroduction would take me. now i have 3 days of re-compliance under my belt, and will be introducing dairy tomorrow. it's really liberating to think that i can eat some of my old enemies, and then not go crazy with them. i feel like a super hero!

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