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Starting Saturday 1/26/13


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day 21! you guys, we are doing so great! i can't believe it's already the end of week THREE! how did that happen??

last night we had our FIRST meal outside of the house. i know, we're slow ... i think i just feel SO much more comfortable eating at home now where i know exactly what is going into our food. i'm hoping that if ind a way to get past feeling that way all the time because i miss eating out! we picked a nice local restaurant that only serves organic and grass fed meat, and of course had to ask for all sorts of modifications but it ended up being just fine! i missed having wine with dinner :s but all in all a supreme success!

littlepeanut -- i have no ideas for you! i drink one cup of coffee in the morning and that's it ... my biggest issue was kicking the diet soda out of my life. maybe your doctor has some ideas?

audreyw -- i'm baffled on the breakouts, too, and it's really annoying me! i found another one this morning, i don't know what is going on! i never break out so i'm really confused about it! i eat some cashews but not many (and not every day) so i have no clue. here's hoping for clearer skin soon!!

have a great friday everyone!!

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Day 20 for me and going strong. Don't feel bad Jayseaklein, I haven't gone out once. Other than being a little "over" food in general (and cooking and shopping and planning) I feel great! I survived my week of jury duty with no problem. I just packed lunch every day and ate in the courthouse cafeteria.

I'm starting to think about reintroduction and what I'm going to do. I think I am finally start to burn fat and don't want to lose that. This time I need a better plan. Has anyone started to think about what they are going to do?

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Yes, I've been thinking about reintroduction, too. But since this is my first whole30, I don't really know what it looks like! For example, I saw in the book they suggest dairy on day 1 and then gluten day 4. In between those days am I supposed to be just whole30 again or should I be doing dairy all three of those days? Any other suggestions on how to make it successful? I have to admit now 22 days into this it makes me nervous thinking of switching it up!!

I woke up early this morning -- sort of miss when I could sleep in until 10 no problem! Haha!

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Alive and well! I was a bit fussy yesterday, but recognized this feeling from last round and put my bad self to bed early.

I'm troubled with how excited I am to be "done". I promised myself there was no such thing as "done". The things I'm planning to add back aren't all that major (no grains), but for some reason I'm really excited about them. For example, maple syrup in my favorite flank steak marinade. Otherwise it's W30 compliant, and there's only one T for the whole thing, but I missed it. And I made it for my family and didn't eat it, so it FELT like a big deal. Sugar is not a problem for me, so I'm not worried.

My big issue is wine. When I drink wine I end up eating. Almost every time. But I love wine. I'm trying to figure if or how this is going to work in my life. What I tend to do is pour a glass while hanging out with my husband after my daughter has gone to bed-maybe 9:30 or so. I don't binge eat or drink, but I've added up the wine/chip/bread calorie intake on these nights and it's often 400-600, with no nutrition. That's not going to work. My tentative solution is to stick with 3 meals a day (I have figured out both my mind and body LOVE not snacking), which means wine would have to be with dinner. Not before or after dinner. I can't see drinking more than a glass or two MAX if I'm doing it that way. And certainly only a few nights a week.

Other add-backs will be a moderate amount of high fat dairy (probably cheese and sour cream), and dark chocolate. None of those are food-with-no-breaks for me, and a small amount shouldn't disrupt my fat burning ability. Oh yes-and my favorite pickles have 1 sugar in them. I will add those back as well.

I've been thinking about the food-with-no-breaks issue and have realized that for me, it's not about the specific food. It can happen with rye bread and butter, croutons, graham crackers, etc. It's more of a mental state for me. The "off" mentality. The idea that I have screwed up and therefore may as well go big or stay home. So my approach will be to include the few additional items that I mentioned in my "on" group, and never go "off".

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home stretch, you guys!!! day 26, i can hardly believe it and i'm already starting to get nervous for next week! this month has flown by!

megmac - i'm with you on the wine! that has been the biggest issue for my husband and i this month, too! looking forward to finding a way to reintroduce it in moderation!

have a great day!

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Can you all believe we are within a week of ending our W30!? Where did it go?? I propose that we all weigh in-- add up our lbs. lost and celebrate our boards success!!! We are in this together and we keep each other motivated!!! I'm not just stopping at W30... I am a W60 but i feel AMAZING and i love seeing all of our stories on here and how great of a job each of us has done. CHEERS TO US MY 1/26 starter peers!! WE ARE AWESOME!!!!! :)

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It's hard to believe that this Whole 30 is almost over. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what I'm going to do after day 30. The book says that if you don't miss it, it isn't necessary to add it back in. I can't believe it, but I've actually gotten used to black coffee! I think I'm going to add Greek yogurt (plain) back in, and maybe some feta cheese and blue cheese. Grains haven't been an issue at all, and I'm really happy with yams, squash and pumpkin as my starchy carbohydrates.

I'm really struggling with what to do about red wine. I guess a few of us love our wine! Prior to this diet I drank a glass or two every evening, but it has really surprised me that I haven't missed it, and I know that is part of the reason I'm sleeping so well. My daughter drinks red wine too, so there is usually an open bottle sitting on the kitchen counter, but it hasn't even been tempting. If you really knew me...you would know how strange that is : ) I feel as though I've found a sort of internal balance with this way of eating, and have been surprised that I really haven't craved anything. So, I think for now I'm going to reserve the wine for special occasions, and not make it a daily thing again.

I'm meeting a friend for lunch today....my first meal out since I started this. I was careful to choose a restaurant where I know I can get a Whole 30 compliant meal.

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Great job everyone -- I can't believe it's day 28!! i had a physical this morning and my blood pressure was 108/70 ... i'm not really sure what it was before i started W30, but i do know it was higher than that. was really pleased to see that result!

i have been spending a lot of time thinking about what happens on day 31 and i guess the short answer is that i haven't figured it out yet! like becky, i won't go back to adding anything to my coffee (except maybe cinnamon, as i do now), but beyond that i'm not sure if i'll be extending my whole30, starting reintroduction, etc.

have a great friday!

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you guys! day 31!!! can't believe it!!! I went back and forth about what today would look like and ultimately decided on dairy reintroduction. so far i've my regular breakfast, plus the mostly heavenly yogurt. i couldn't even eat it all -- it was nice to really savor each bite! i brought a W30 compliant lunch, plus some cottage cheese (the only dairy that i've really been "missing" over the past month). i am interested to see how this all goes, though last night my husband and i discussed how we will really be sticking to the W30 way of eating going forward. it almost made me think why bother with the reintroduction stuff, but i'm mostly curious about how my body will react and figure this is the best time to do it.

as for my results, i am down about 6 pounds this month. it's not particularly substantial, but i also know that since i cut out the carbs about two years ago i wasn't expecting a huge result. i have also been doing strength training about 3 hours a week and cardio about an hour and a half a week, so i'm hoping that there is some muscle development there, too. as for other benefits: is this weird, i feel like food tastes better now (like my taste buds kind of woke up!). my blood pressure is down, i am waking up more refreshed and feel like i'm getting tired when i'm supposed to. my skin feels softer and while i'm not certain that i have slayed the sugar dragon, it is definitely backed off a lot. i was worried after reading people's reintroduction stories about how they went off the rails right away that that would be my experience. so far, i don't have any of those cravings. i am looking forward to adding red wine back in a couple nights a week, though ;)

i'm hoping that moving forward with a very similiar way of eating that my body will continue to change. it's always been a slow process for me, so i know i'm in it for the long term!

hope everyone else is doing well -- so proud of our group!!

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Congrats! Great results! I especially like your plan going forward. It sounds like you will miss the freight train that so many of us get hit by the week the W30 ends. I did that during my first W30 and am NOT going to do it this time! I am on Day 30 now-I started a day behind you guys. I know it's been successful, so I'm excited to write about my results tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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It's hard to believe that the 30 days is over. I haven't introduced anything back in yet, but I bought some feta cheese on my way home today and I'm going to add a little to my otherwise Whole 30 compliant frittata for breakfast. I also bought some plain Greek yogurt. I'll wait until the weekend for a glass of wine. I'm not really anxious to make any major changes. I lost 7 pounds, and I'm happy with that.

I hope everyone finds that balance that they're looking for.

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Nope I am here!! I weigh in tomorrow morning and will post my loss!!! I didn't really focus on fitness, more diet and eating better! I am so proud of all of us!!!!! It's absolutely amazing!! Where is everyone located? Seems we have a time difference? LOL I am in the USA, Oregon proud! ;)

I cannot believe the 30 days is over....I have decided no reintroductions just yet because I don't miss anything!! I love all the food I have gotten to eat in my first 30 and the next 30 is going to be even more amazing until my W60 ends! GO 1/26 STARTERS!!!!

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Okay, the results are in...9 lbs down! I'm pretty amazed, because I only had about 20 to lose to begin with. Now that number is 11, which seems a lot more doable! I'm going to do a bigger post on my results and future plans, but here it is in a nutshell:

1. sleeping great

2. not snacking

3. still having headaches (have one now!)

4. still wish I had more energy

5. still feel like I need a nap every time I eat

6. realized I don't "love to eat" as much as I thought I did

7. realized being hungry is not something to be afraid of

8. realized I was counting on food and drink for all of my fun/entertainment

I think those are the high points. I didn't notice much of a change in the way I felt, but that was the biggest change the first time, so I'm thinking it's because my diet was a lot cleaner to begin with. As for the weight loss, I'm stumped. Maybe because it wasn't my main goal this time? My #1 goal was to regulate my hormones and to eat 3x day with no snacking. I guess that explains the weight loss. :)

I can't wait to hear the rest of the results! We did it!!!

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becky and peanut -- glad you're still with us!!! peanut, i'm in minnesota :)

megmac -- GREAT results!! i am especially impressed with your results given that this wasn't your first Whole30! what is your plan moving forward?

dairy yesterday went just okay ... i went to bed and woke up this morning feeling bloated, which was not a fun feeling after the past month :( happy to be back on W30 foods today! we went out to dinner last night at a great little local place -- this was just the second time we have eaten out since i started Whole30, but i found ordering was a lot easier and a lot less stressful this time around! we couldn't believe it: our waitress was commenting on how she was trying to cut out sugar, grains, etc and my husband said "we are doing Whole30" thinking there was no way she would know what we were talking about, and she got so excited because she is working through It Starts With Food and planning to start her own W30! it was so funny -- we shared some of our favorite recipes and she must have picked our brain for 10 minutes about our experience.

have a great day everyone!

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I have figured out that my big problem is with my "on or off" mentality. So my plan going forward it to redefine "on" to include the foods I want to add, and then not to go "off".

New "on" foods-full fat organic dairy (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese), honey, maple syrup, soy sauce and alcohol in marinades, small amounts of organic catsup, bbq sauce, etc. as recipes demand, occasional red wine with a meal, occasional dark chocolate (70% or better). I think that's it. Oh-and maybe a white potato now and then since I just read that it has similar nutrition to sweet potatoes and is only left off the W30 list because it tends to be a food we over consume. That is my new list of approved foods on a regular basis. Any others will be only on a special occasion-like sushi for my birthday.

I must admit, I'm glad to be done. And I'm excited to prove to myself that my new strategy will work!

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So my final results for the first 30days are in... Total loss of 12lbs!!! My guess was cutting corn pastas, rice and GF breads and adding more protein and veggies and NO snacks!!!!! I had a very irregular eating habit so it was nice to just cut the crap and keep it simple and it WORKED!! My chemo days are getting easier from the natural energy I have and my only reintro i tried today was half tbsp of butter... Not very adventurous and i felt guilty after like I was cheating lol lol

So proud of all of us and how well we have done!!!!! Since I have another 30days to go, i'll still keep posting since the next 30is going to be about maintaining my nutrition and start physical activity more :) pretty proud of my loss thus far-- would love 10 more but i'll be happy with anything!CHEER TO W30-- WE DID IT!!!!

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