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Day 23 - alcohol reset question


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Well, I successfully managed to eat clean until day 23 and cheated last night and had a couple

vodka sodas with my man. I won't make too many excuses but I will say it was the first night in a long time that both our girls had sleepovers and we could actually have a real date night. I ate clean but caved and had a couple drinks (3 to be exact over 6 hour time period - organic vodka, water, and some lime.). So I'm assuming I must pay the piper now. Do I need to reset all the way to the beginning? I feel relatively good, a wee bit of a headache but I think I'm dehydrated - did a six mile hike uphill and don't think i drank enough water.

Anyways. What's the concensus? Reset all the way or maybe add a week or so on?

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Whether you restart is ultimately up to you, but if it was me, I'd restart, 100%. There is a lot to this program about developing healthy relationships with food, and if you can't date without drinking yet, I'd say you should give it a shot. To me, a date with my husband is about hanging out, talking, maybe eating, maybe not, maybe enjoying some kind of activity we can't with the kids around, and not having to bathe anyone or cut up their food...no booze necessary (not that I don't really, really like NorCal margaritas and wine!). That may just be me, and I'll be interested to see what a mod has to say, but I think you owe it to yourself to see how you feel after 30 days of really clean eating. It's amazing!

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What she said :)

Not that the hubs and I don't enjoy an adult beverage... But I think there's something to be said for learning to stand up for your decisions, even in the face of peer pressure or personal pressure. You made a choice, you fought hard for it for 23 days! That tells me you have the gumption to do it for 30. I hope that your husband is supportive of this choice, so with his help I bet you can knock out 30 clean days without much trouble.

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