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Day 7 of my umpteenth attempt


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I'm on Day 7 of my <insert number here, I have no idea>. I'm feeling cautiously confident since I've had multiple cravings and so far have managed to talk myself out of them. The holidays kicked my butt (or I kicked my own butt over the holidays), and I had a horrible flu, and I am just now starting to get back to a body I can tolerate.

It helps that my gym is in the midst of a paleo challenge - day 8, and I've been clean 7 of those 8 days. If nothing else, I want to stay clean for the rest of my team. Plus, I hope, I am finally ready to make the commitment once and for all.

So today, I had:


Venison apple hash from the success guide




Veggie and venison soup made with beef bone broth (modified from ISWF)

Salad (lettuce and tomatoes with paleo mayo)


Was very hungry mid-afternoon so had some macadamia nuts


Sweet potato fritters

Two fried eggs




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The 2 eggs at dinner tells me you need to eat more. Actually, being very hungry in the afternoon tells me you need to eat more. Completing a Whole30 goes much better if you keep yourself satisfied and eat enough food to stay satisfied. Follow the guidelines of the meal template with your portion sizes and this time could be the one...


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