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Linda's Log 6/19/12


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Really struggling to give up the Diet Dew!! I will reset my counter until I do.

Today, however...


Turkey Apple Hash (YUMMY!) from the Success Guide

Carried me over very well


Chicken Salad from the Success Guide - didn't like this very much, way too sweet. Would love hints for cutting the sweet

Spinach salad with carrots

Hungry again almost immediately and got very lightheaded


Unknown amount of lightly salted cashews...probably not the best choice...


Marinara Sauce on Spaghetti Squash (LOVE it)

Spinach and tomatoes

Still hungry, so:

Hardboiled egg - helped for a while, but still hungry

Will try again tomorrow...

Going to start eating BIGGER breakfast with RED MEAT.

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Make sure you are eating enough, especially at breakfast. Eat plenty of protein. Eat plenty of fat. This should really help with hunger.

The Nutrition Workshop Packet says to eat three meals a day. Base each meal around your protein source. All protein sources should be roughly the size of your open hand. Fill the rest of your plate with veggies. Occasionally add a small amount of fruit. Add fat as recommended below:

all oils - 1-2 thumb sized portions

all butters - 1-2 thumb sized portions

olives - one open heaping handful

coconut flakes - one open heaping handful

nuts and seeds - one closed handful

avocado - 1/2 - 1

coconut milk - between 1/4 and 1/2 of one 14oz can.

Play with this a bit. Some people find one open hand size of protein is not enough, so have more. You will eventually find what works for you.

Also, check out The Foodee Project and Well Fed for recipe ideas. Amazing resources!

Lastly, (here comes the tough love) get the soda and even the cashews out of the house. I am serious. There is no reason to torture yourself like that. Stock up on some yummy flavored sparkly water and kombucha.

You got this!

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Thank you! I did much better today following this advice. I did bid farewell to my diet dew (had the last one in the fridge today) and eschewed the nuts.

I read that breakfast like a king, lunch like prince, and dinner like a pauper, and that makes all kinds of sense to me.

I had my hash today plus an extra handful of carrots and a banana (mostly because I need to finish them). That fills me up. Mornings I've been pretty okay.

I then spent about 15 minutes in the bathroom. Don't mean to be gross but I felt pretty tipsy about then! Is this what they mean by "carb flu," LOL?

Lunch was tomatoes and carrots

Tuna salad (yummmmm) from the Success Guide

I was hungry shortly thereafter so I had a hard boiled egg...boy, did that help!

Around two I was flagging again so I had some hazelnuts and water.

Tonight we are having steak, sweet potatoes, and salad! Yum!

That seems to have sustained me much better than yesterday. I think tomorrow I might try a couple of hard boiled eggs for breakfast, with a banana and carrots and spinach, and more tuna salad for lunch.

Here's something I've noticed that may be strictly psychosomatic/placebic: my lower back seems to be less inflamed than usual. I'm certainly moving more easily. Also, before this I had some kind of inflammation round my right bicep. I could not stretch it behind my back. It is still ore nd somewhat stiff, but I have much more freedom of movement in it already. Is that possible, to see a change like that so fast?

Of course, I also had a terrible headache for most of the day, LOL...


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Okay, this is the real deal now! All my Diet Dew is gone, so even though I was craving it madly this morning I managed to drink some green tea instead. Not bad.

I have had periodic problems with severe nausea and had a bout of that overnight (this completely predates my Whole30) so am home from work. I have a terrible headache, which I assume is either from the caffeine withdrawal or just the whole detox thing, and I'm still getting lightheaded right after I eat. But anyway...

I'm really trying to follow that "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper," so I totally chowed down at breakfast:

Chicken breast on the George Foreman

Broccoli with olive oil




Breakfast seemed to help a lot. I wasn't really hungry most of the morning; I had a few twinges, but I drank water and it seemed to be okay. So no snacks this morning.


Salad with frozen salmon fillet, spinach, mushrooms, sugar snap peas and Melissa's mayo



Chicken breasts

Sweet potato

Macademia nuts


No snacks today. Not sure if this is because I was not feeling well and was at home or if I just ate sufficient amounts at my meals, but I didn't get particularly hungry between. Also wonder if having tea and then water, instead of Diet Dew, didn't help.

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I lost 6/22 somewhere, but I'll try to create it:



Organic hot dog

Hard boiled egg




Didn't get to eat until late. In meetings all day




Shredded coconut

Half serving of chicken

Dinner (really late, not a good habit)

Chicken apple hash

Can't recall if I had anything else...

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Today (6/23)

I couldn't sleep last night at all, it seemed, even with a Unisom. I got up early and had to drive an hour into the city for a kayaking class.

So I caved and had a diet Dew. Odd, though, it tasted incredibly sweet. Too sweet. This may have been what we call in my biz, a corrective emotional experience.

Had breakfast hash




Macadamia nuts




Lean ground beef


Melissa's mayo






Sweet potato


I also confess I weighed on Friday. I've lost five pounds since last Sunday, and I've only done one workout. I don't expect these results to continue (in fact I'm trying to stay off the scale) but dang! I've been eating a lot and enjoying it! Cool!

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Three eggs, scrambled (may have been one too many)


About 10:00 I got hungry so had a handful of olives

Three eggs may have been too few. A big enough breakfast will take you to lunch with no problem. I usually have 3 eggs plus a side of meat (and greens or something) and that will hold me at least 6 hours.

Sorry, I should have also said - Fantastic on going for the olives for a snack!

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I have fallen in love with olives as a snack! I have to see how the sodium affects me, but yummmmm!

Here's lunch:

Pork steak (a little bigger portion, after seeing the above)

Green beans with a touch of salt

Spinach tossed in Melissa mayo

Cherry tomatoes


Still experimenting with the whole fullness thing - I seem full when I'm eating, then I'm still hungry...don't know if I just haven't caught up with my stomach or if I truly need more food. I've started eating my protein first, to see if that helps.

Snack: prunes (I know, I need to limit these, but darn they're good)


Marinara sauce from the Success Guide over spinach


I was still hungry so I had a hard-boiled egg and an organic hot dog

I made the chorizo quiche from the Success Guide tonight and it was my first big fail...my own fault, I had waaayy too much spinach and didn't defrost it ahead of time. Ah well, it isn't quiche - it's an egg/spinach/sausage dish and it's actually not bad, LOL.

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