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A cautious & limited reintro...


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So today is my first day post whole30. I remained mostly compliant except I wanted to see how I would react to chocolate. So I had a couple pieces of 60% dark Lindt. It. Was. Gross!!! It tasted like there was a hint of chocolate amidst the overpowering chemicals I sensed. I only had 2 squares and don't see myself wanting anymore any time soon.

Crazy talk!! Chocolate has always been my poison of choice!

I did buy some wine (one red and one white) to enjoy while my mum is visiting me and we're snowed in 😉 so that'll be interesting to see how that one goes.

My last reintro plan is sushi. That is the last thing I've missed. Besides those 3 things, I don't miss anything, nor do I feel the need to have them be a part of my diet. If they present themselves in a special occasion, (I.e. my MIL's AMAZING cheesecake) then ill have a bit, but why have a week of indulgence when I know most things will send my body into pain and fatigue?

So that is my plan, and in case anyone cares, ill be logging :)

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Welcome to the PostW30 forum, bljf1006!

When you're ready to give chocolate another shot, I highly recommend Lindt 90% chocolate. Much smoother and tastier than their 85%. Truly. :)


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I'm so glad to know that Terez! Ill keep an eye out for 90% ☺

I'm so happy to hear Sushi didn't affect u either Krista. I'm partially worried because I felt kinda tired after the last time I had it (my chronic fatigue shows itself by way of some grains) but, this is how I'll know for sure. Plus I'll be armed with my coconut aminos this time ðŸ˜

Thanks for ur tips as I venture warily outside of the comfort of the rules

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I had white wine yesterday. I have to admit I'm surprised! I thought I'd have A LOT more adverse reactions to it. I'm definitely not going to drink often, but once and a while with some friends when we're all out seems reasonable to me.

The wine crapped up my sleep; which I was pretty much planning on. I woke up 3 times during the night and since starting whole30 I never wake up. I also feel quite gassy and bloated from it. Guess I never imagined wine would make me feel that way! So I'm glad I can at least have some socially without pain, but I'm definitely not going to do it on a regular basis because I don't feel 100% and I want to 😊

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alcohol is a slippery slope for me, just once in a while becomes every few days all too quickly!

I'm kinda realizing that. Now that I know alcohol wont hurt me for days on end, (like dairy or grains) I caught myself looking twice at the liquor cabinet today thinking about Old Fashioneds. I will DEFINITELY need to keep myself in check on that one!! Pain and suffering makes things not worth having. I almost WISH I got a massive headache from it. Oh well. Ill just have to exercise my self control 😜

Speaking of dairy; I tried just a teensy bit today. A friend of mine who's severely lactose intolerant said that pecorino Romano cheese doesn't bother her because its from Sheep's milk. So I'd made some soup tonight and it has always been better with a bit of cheese mixed in. Well! Not so much, my tummy is tossing and turning and I can feel a bathroom run or two brewing! So I think I'm just gonna be done taking other people's suggestions and just flat-out say, "nope! My body can't tolerate the slightest bit of dairy!"

I guess since I've kinda been reintroducing 1 thing each day, I'm not being SUPER "cautious" but I am proud that falling face first in a box of apple fritters, while it sounds yummy, just is not happening nor does it sound appealing because I know the consequences. I am sticking to whole30 95% of my day which I think is completely sustainable ☺ I am happy. I feel as if I making new, good habits on top of what I learned from my 30 days.

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Well I thought it would be one or two bathroom runs, but it ended up being 6 or 7! Not even the slightest bit of dairy for me...which kinda makes me sad because I loooooove ice cream. But, thankfully I've grown to see fruit as just as much of a treat.

Yesterday I went to a morning program where there was a buffet afterwards. Thankfully there was lots of steamed broccoli, salad, and chicken. I also had a couple glasses of lemonade which I think made me crash a few hours later.

I resisted the superb looking cookies while everyone had at least 2. Then we went to a friends house (who's Greek, so VERY hospitable) and she had all sorts of cookies, and brownies with ice cream and coffee with cream and sugar. It was the first time in my entire life having (and enjoying!) a cup of straight black coffee!!! I'm so impressed with myself!!

She also offered a cognac type drink called Metaxa. That I did accept and it was DELICIOUS!!! I only sipped on a shot around 1pm and I slept fine.

Today we're going for sushi!!! My husband said how he'd like to do another 30 days (wha?!) ok!! So he said starting Monday. Unfortunately he HAS fallen head first into the sanburzza. (Sandwiches, burgers, and pizzas) this week he's done barely any compliant meals except when I cook (and sometimes not even then!)

I'm not going to start on Monday, but am still planning on April. His idea of a whole30 is still allowing his cream and sugar in the mornings, cheese in his omelet, and a drink with friends; but hey, I won't criticize, he's picked up some awesome habits despite his interpretation ☺

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Sushi was delicious!!! I've always been partial to rolls myself, but I loved the actual sushi and even sashimi!! Before all this I never in a million years would've enjoyed that! So I'm pretty happy about that. Now I know I can go and fill up of sashimi even while doing a whole30 :D

I am pretty fatigued today, so I will need to keep sushi with rice to a minimum, and my tummy is now pretty upset. Bloat-y and such. Definitely not bikini worthy. So I'm happy to be back to proteins and veggies :) my plan for this week is to not allow anything inside my mouth that is not Paleo. So I will be back to my salads and lots of cooking :) but I already have a good meal plan, so that's key.

My mom is so surprised with how well I'm doing physically and also with how she see's the way my body is re-acting to the foods I'm choosing to reintro. It's been very eye opening to her!

My reintroduction process has been very eye-opening and interesting to me too, but I have to say, I am happy to know that it is ending and I will be back to eating good, health-promoting foods. I'm tired of making sure I'm near a private bathroom. I want to be back to feeling good and confident about what I've put in my mouth, won't punish me later.

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I feel like a failure. Ugh.

I ate so well yesterday until it came to some yogurt covered cranberries! (I had been eyeing them during the whole30, but I shouldn't have caved) they didn't even taste that good and they made me do my usual sprint to the bathroom, which I hadn't even thought about as they didn't register as dairy in my mind. 😕 Not sure why, avoidance maybe?

So now I feel WAY bloated and gross and I actually want to throw up. And I ate them yesterday!

This has to stop!! I feel like I'm ruining my body 😟 today I'm working with my mom, so we have breakfast and lunch all planned (leftover Moroccan chicken which was awesome!!) but I'm thinking meatloaf for dinner. My hubby loves meatloaf :)

Today is a new day!

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I want whole30 again!!! The minute my mom is on the plane I'm back on it! Before April 1st! It'll be March 28th 😄

I can't take how junky I feel! Here I am at 3:45am, wide awake 😥 I miss my nights of glorious sleep. Waking up completely refreshed. I've been overly exhausted, bloated, and my stomach constantly hurts 😟

I'm wondering if perhaps the more often I do one, the more engrained and easily the habits form and decision are to make?? For instance, now I eat compliant all day long, except for 3 pieces of chocolate. Then the next day I eat compliant except for 1 drink. Then the next day I eat compliant except for...well, you get the idea. So perhaps after I do another and another (and another), the "excepts" will become fewer and farther between?? Making the best decisions for my body will just be second nature at that point?


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Thank you SO much Freedom and Nadia! It helps to have a "rah rah!" And know I haven't completely botched it 😜

Today I went to see my Rheumatologist and she was shocked to see the change in me and said it seems like I am doing what works for my body and if I need anything, to schedule an appt, but regular check-ins seem unnecessary! I bumped into a friend today who's been following my posts on Instagram and apparently 3 of my friends are starting a whole30 in April and my SIL went Paleo!! My mom is currently reading ISWF while she's here and can't put it down. She's amazed at how wrong she's been eating all these years and looking forward to feeling the changes I have experienced!

I had no idea my experience would have such an effect on all my friends!! It's so encouraging and exciting!

Today I feel wonderful as I've eaten really well and exercised. Amazing.

Words to explain life after whole30?

-nervous 😳

-cautious 😒

-excited ðŸ˜

-happy 😄

-vibrant 😆

-flavorful 😋

-sexy 😉

I'm SO excited for my life moving forward!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As my mum's visit is drawing to a close, I am frustrated with myself. She read the book, LOVED it, endorses it, but still encourages me to eat things that aren't good for me. And I cave in because I don't want to make her feel bad...so my fault there. But then she feels bad that the foods she offers me cause me pain and issues. So I loose all the way around.

The problem is is that she's 71 and has had a stroke, so her decisions somehow rest on me. She won't want to have a cup of tea unless I'm having one, yesterday she didn't want to get a mocha unless I said I'd share it with her. Eerrgg!! So I had a couple sips and had an upset tummy the rest of the day 😟I guess at least she's been able to see what the bad foods do to my body...

Moving forward I'm looking forward to eating clean and doing another whole30.

The things I've realized with my reintro is that dairy causes a leaky stomach with massive bloating, I never even tried wheat but I know that causes severe fatigue, rice (& "gluten free" anything) causes super bad bloating, wine actually doesn't cause me any issues but I know it's not a good choice so I need to keep an eye on it, eating sugar hasn't awaken any dragons which I'm grateful for so I just make sure that my choices are specific and deliberate. I went for Mexican and had the corn tortilla chips and those didn't cause any issues (yay!) as well as a couple times I've had sour cream. I'm wondering if the souring process changes the dairy so it doesn't bother my stomach.

All in all, I'm grateful for the awareness I now have towards the foods I eat and how they affect me.

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My mom can be like that too sometimes. I feel ya. We've had many talks about it and she's now getting stronger in listening to her own instincts. It sounds like your mom is becoming aware that you need to listen to your instincts, too. Nice progress :)

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Thanks Delphine! It can be frustrating. Mostly because as a kid, she was a health nut and tried to get me to eat my vegetables and we were never allowed sugar. Now that I'm an adult, it's like all bets are off for her! I guess she deserves time off from being a "mom" but I still want her to listen when I tell her I can't have something. Oh well. She went back home a couple days ago and life will get back to routine :) so I'm looking forward to getting back into 100% clean eating mentality.

I told my husband I'm doing another whole30 starting April 15th. (A couple family dinners until then will make it ridiculous to be compliant) and he said "why don't we be compliant during the weeks leading up to then?" Who would ever think that my husband would want to start an adventure like this before me! Not me.

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The stroke has undoubtedly changed your Mom's thought processes. You can only do so much in that. It's great that she read the book and she may be able to implement some changes here and there but she might not ever get back to that health nut you remember. It is hard to stand our ground as adults with our parents. There seems to always be a bit of regression in the parent/child dynamic. I'm not sure what that would be like now post W30 to be around my mom, my mother was a very unhealthy woman and developed early onset dementia. She's been gone now for almost 7 years. I know if she were here I would have really wanted to take her on this journey with me because I **know** it would have been best for her but I don't think she could have made the changes and stuck to the plan. Which would have been extremly difficult to watch. We want our loved ones to feel great and healthy and vibrant and when they keep making choices we know our counter to all that it's so, so hard to see.

Yea for your hubby being on board and supporting these healthy changes you're making! Good luck getting back on track and feeling great!

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