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New to Whole 30


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Hi, I've already posted in the forums a few times and forgot to introduce myself!

I'm Stephanie, I have been paleo-esque for about a year now, after health and breastfeeding difficulties with my daughter (who is now 18 months). I did okay through last summer, then fell off the wagon through the fall. My husband and I started the Whole 30 four days ago. Our daughter has been eating paleo since we started feeding her solids (save for hummus, she loves my homemade hummus) and she's still breastfeeding.

The main reason I wanted to do the Whole 30 and stay pretty strict paleo is to ensure health (and, hopefully, good sleep!) for our next baby, and because our daughter still has a few health and sleep issues that I'm hoping to improve with my Whole 30. Also, I love sugar... so I need to get that under control.

Looking forward to 'meeting' all of you!

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