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Natalie's April Whole30


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April is going to be a big challenge for me. I'm doing both the Whole30 and the 21DSD (level 3). I did my fisrt W30 in October and loved the way I felt during that month and learned a lot from the reintroduction period!

So on my NO list for April-

non paleo foods (grains, legumes, sugar, vegtable oils)


paleo-approved treats

no natural sweetners

fruit (I can have only one Granny Smith apple a day)

sweet potatoes

I'm also adding my personal challenge- almost no nuts!

I'll get to eat meat, fish, eggs and vegetables and drink water, tea, coffee and maybe some kombucha.

I'll try to have 2-3 meals a day and no snacks.

I'll try to sleep 8 hours a night (which is going to be hard when I wake up at 5:30 to get to school 4 days a week).

I'll have a food log and sleep log.

I won't get on the scale.

I'll try to do oil pulling (with coconut oil) every morning starting tomorrow.

My husband is also doing an almost Whole30 (he'll still eat paleo and dairy free and stay away from sweetners and snacks but will eat white rice and have one ingridient banana 'ice cream').

So it's day 1 and I got on the scale this morning and I wiegh 67.6 Kg. (which is 149 lb). That's fine. :)

Tonight I'll post my food log for day 1.

So good luck to the April group and hope you have a great first day! :)

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You undermine a Whole30 by doing a 21 day sugar detox at the same time. If Dallas and Melissa Hartwig thought it was a good idea to incorporate the approach of a 21DSD into a Whole30, it would already be built in. One approach at a time is the way to go. Stacking programs distorts both.

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Hey Tom, didn't mean to undermine anything, just to give myself a little extra challenge. I didn't mean to say it's what everybody should do, because it's not. My first W30 was great and I had fruit :)

I feel both programs are pretty similar. The only things I remove further are the fruit and the sweet potatoes for the first 3 weeks.

What I love about the W30 is that dosn't let me make paleo approved treats and that I felt really good doing it in October, but I want to also remove the fruit because I've had too many a day in the last month and, for me, putting it on the NO list makes it easier not to overindulge.

Hope you understand and don't feel like I'm 'cheating on the W30' or anything like that.

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Natalie, I say the same: welcome back! I am curious to see what happens to you. Will you see the magic? And what has happened since last time we were here? Have you kept the good habits?

PS Just spoke to my best friend in Tel Aviv. I am very envious of the weather. Here in Stockholm it is still snow.

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Thanks, Emma :)

Well, since last time I was here I mainly kept my good habbits of Paleo life but was in Rome for a few days and had some pizza and ice cream. But other than that only had some dairy.

Lately I had too much fruit and didn't have normal meals because of my weird schedule so I hope I get more organized and feel better after eating this simple way for a month. :)

The weather here is great! Especially in Jerusalem, because it's not as humid as it is in Tel Aviv. We had only 2 days of 'snow' in Jerusalem this year, and it was more than last year so... Having snow in April sounds weird!

Hope your W30 is going well so far :)

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Natalie, in February I quit sugar altogether including fruit. (I was otherwise "Primal," I ate no grains or legumes but did eat full-fat grass-fed dairy and a few glasses of wine a week.) I know it's not the Whole 30 plan but it did help me stop eating sugar. I was heavily relying on sugar to get me through my day and was pretty dependent on it. It took me almost five weeks to feel good.

It was much easier for me to quit sugar this way than in the past when I've allowed myself fruit, dried fruit, date sugar, honey, or maple syrup and still suffered major cravings.

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Beets, thanks for sharing your story! It IS harder for me to get over the cravings when I let myself have honey and fruit. I don't know if I'll avoid them for so long but at least I'll be aware of not having them so often. :)

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It's the begining of day 3 and day 2 was nice :)


Slept about 8 hours



Meal 1- ground beef and pesto tahini

A green apple

Meal 2- hamburger salad- burger, portabella, lettuce, red pepper and onion.

Didn't feel hungry or any headaches... :)

My husband had sushi for dinner last night and I missed it already so I think I'll make some riceless sushi tonight and have it with some coconut aminos. :)

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Sleep- 8 hours :)


Meal 1- 2 eggs omelet with ghee, 1/2 avocado, olives, Pesto tahini.

Meal 2- ground beef, 1/2 avocado, tahini.

Snack- a green apple.

Peppermint tea.

Felt good during the day. No cravings, no headaches. :)

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Hey kb0426,

I eat big portions and cook with a lot of coconut oil so I'm really full for many many hours, and when I'm busy working I really don't notice how late it gets before I eat again.

On the last few days I was busy so most days I ate my first meal at around 11:00-12:00 and my second meal at around 20:00. I didn't feel hungry in between and went to bed feeling good :)

This Sunday I'm back to Uni from my Passover (spring) break so I'll have to wake up at 05:45 most weekdays, so I guess I'll have 3 meals on those long days.

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Sleep- 6 hours. Not enough.


I can't even write it as a log. I had only one meal at 11:30 (beef and 1/2 avocado) and had a handful macademia nuts later and herbal tea at 19:30.

I though I'd eat something at 21:00 but I had to get on the bus home instead of staying where I was at and eat.

So it's midnight and I got home and I'm not even hungry. Weird.

I'll just take a shower and go to sleep :)

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Sleep- 8 hours :) and it's getting better every night since day 1.


Coffee with coconut oil

Meal 1- beef, 1/2 avocado, macademia nuts

A green apple

Meal 2- chicken curry (with coconut milk), 1/2 avocado, 1 HB egg.

Today I had my first meal at 15:00. I feel like I'm breaking one of the rules by skipping breakfast. But I'm sure I'll start eating earlier when I'm back to school on Sunday. And again- I'm not hungry during the day.

My husband made an amazing curry for dinner, that will last for a few days, and we never get sick of it :)

Mood- I feel great :)

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I was soooo bored and home alone. Being bored at home is the worst! Always looking for something to eat...

But I think I did well.

Sleep- 8 hours.


Peppermint tea

Meal 1- chickem curry with coconut milk, 1/2 avocado, HB egg.

Snack- a green apple and nut butter. (Maybe a bit too much nut butter)

Meal 2- chicken curry (again).

I feel much less bloated in the last few days :) feels nice!

I'm still not hungry most of the day and I eat only 2 meals but I have big portions.

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One week down, 3 to go :)

SLEEP- 7 hours, weird dreams...



Meal 1- hamburger salad (pieces of hamburger, lettuce, red pepper, onion)

Meal 2- chicken curry

Green tipped banana

Need to go to sleep soon so I get my minimum 7 hours of sleep.

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Sleep- 6 hours (not enough!)



Meal 1- 2 HB eggs, avocado, tahini.


Meal 2- riceless sushi (salmin sashimi and salmon, avocado and carrot rolled in cucumber).

It was a lot of time between meal 1 and meal 2 and I couldn't even finish my sushi (and it wasn't a lot).

I feel that I've been less hungry and I'm loosing my apetite lately. I don't like it but it helpsnot being hungry during a stressfull week.

DAY 10

Sleep- only 6 hours again.



Meal 1- 300g burger (just meat), a small salad,

A green apple

It's already evening here and I don't think I can eat anything else today. I want to eat more but I'm still full and lack apetite. :/

Maybe I'm even less hungry during the last few days because I don't eat a lot of nuts and snacks betweern meal? I don't know. I hope tomorrow I'll eat more.

But more importantly, I'll make sure I sleep enough tonight!

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DAY 11

Sleep- 6 hours



meal 1- burger salad (burger, lettuce, red pepper, cucumber and avocado)

meal 2- ground meat and avocado

DAY 12

Sleep- 8 hours



meal 1- ground meat and avocado

meal 2- turkey breast, chicken wings, sweet potato and olives.

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You eat so little! Have you always done it or do you know why you have lost your appetite? It makes me worried.

I have a friend, who also eat very little. About half of what I do. She always complains about having no appetite, but she is quite overweight. I think her metabolism works really bad, because she eats too little.

Try to find out how to bring back your appetite!

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I guess I've been eating less in the last 2.5 months but I though it was because I was so busy... In the begining of the W30 I ate only 2 meals but much bigger portions than in the last 3-4 days.

I've noticed I can't think of eating raw fish (which I ususally love, like sashimi) or about having big meals. If I didn't know any better I would think I'm pregnant. (But I'm not!) And the less I eat, the less appetite I have! I'm starting to get worried...

So I try to eat simple meals to get my appetite back. The day after tomorrow is our independence day and the tradition is having a BBQ so I hope it helps... If THIS won't help I guess I have a problem. :/

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Hi Natalie,

This lack of appetite is quite worrisome. How do you have enough energy to get through the day? Are you dealing with a significant stressor in your life right now?

Is there anything compliant that you are craving? Anything from your first whole30 that you loved? Your choices seem, well, sad! The energy you had the last time is just not there this round.

Hope it turns around soon!

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