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Whole 30 work... down the drain?!

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Life during the whole 30, well the last 10 days were UNREAL. Then I went to a yoga retreat where all the food that was available was wheat, gluten, and prime vegetarian feed. I went home with spiked sugar cravings into a high work stress environment and noticed that I was craving terrible things, vs spinach and vegetables on the whole 30. Do you recommend starting the 30 days over again, or just being good for a while? ...

How do you live life after the whole 30- not whole 365? What does that look like for you?

Thanks everyone :) Much love.

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Am I right that you had done ten days of a Whole30 and then went to a yoga retreat? If yes, what you ate at the retreat stopped the reset of your gut that began with the Whole30. You do need to start over in order to give your gut 30 full days to heal. You really owe it to yourself to see how you feel after 30 days of perfect eating. Many people feel better after a few weeks, but to really experience the Whole30, you need the full length of time.

The concept of the Whole30 is to reintroduce foods one by one after 30 days to figure out what your body tolerates and what your body does not tolerate. Then you make a decision about whether you want to eat those foods ever or occasionally. Personally, I eat Whole30 foods at home 100 percent of the time, and as best I can at restaurants or the homes of friends. I do eat anything that looks good to me when I am out, but my guess is that does not make up more than 3 percent of my diet. What do I eat that is not Whole30-compliant? Babaganoush made with yogurt, pita bread with the babagaoush, a smoothie made with Greek yogurt and kale, fish fried in canola oil, a piece of pie if my friend swears it is truly outstanding, etc.

By the way, I attended my first yoga class last night and loved it.

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That is the bad thing about going to those kind of retreats. When we've gone to retreats at our Buddhist temple, you get stuck with what you get fed. You either can go and eat vegetarian fare, or not go at all. :-( Wish there was a third option.

I'd just start over.

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Hi everyone, thanks for the advice! I actually did finish the 30 days- I guess it wasn't clear in my post! What I meant to say is that during the last 10 days of the 30 (pre retreat) i felt fantastic! I agree with you Tom. I'm not necessarily going to "start over" but just live whole 30 compliant unless something delicious and one of a kind comes up! Thanks again!


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