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Successful off-road!


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I did it! I off-roaded successfully without derailing. This is news, because I have off-roaded like this at least 3 or 4 times and spun out of control into a multi-day binge. But this time I didn't, and I think it's because I was ready for it. I planned what I was going to eat, where and when, and then stuck to it.

Friday morning, I made an Irish soda bread and had one piece. I knew I was going out for dinner that night, and my off-road "budget" was a glass of wine, a cappuccino, a shared dessert, and not sweating about sauces or starches in the main course. So all of that happened. Then I had another piece of soda bread for breakfast the next day, and that was the end of the off-road. I gave the rest of the soda bread away. I could feel the sugar dragon pulling, but I didn't have to give in.

I can't even say I would have been successful this time without my prior binges, because that negative association is what kept me from pulling into Starbucks yesterday. But I'm so excited to at least have this one experience on which to build. I'd say as long as a can of cake frosting doesn't walk into my house today, I'm good. Go me! :)

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You know, truthfully, the only difference between off-roading and derailing is how quickly you get back on track. The off road is like a quick pit stop, whereas with the derail, you have to call a tow truck and bring out the big machinery to get going again.

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You know, truthfully, the only difference between off-roading and derailing is how quickly you get back on track. The off road is like a quick pit stop, whereas with the derail, you have to call a tow truck and bring out the big machinery to get going again.

People that off-road in Jeeps or what have you actually learn skills to be able to drive up and down a steep and rocky mountainside without getting stuck or flipping. You don't just get in a jeep and expect its going to do all the work for you- it's only a tool. W30 is the jeep, but we all have to add our own skill set of coping behaviors and good habits and self-care to be able to navigate scary food terrain. And you did it! Good job!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting this! I'm having a deliberate off road today, and I'm going to go right back on tomorrow. I haven't been successful with this in the past, but I know it's something I need to learn how to do. At the very least, I feel good about making a deliberate, in advance decision to off road today. So, awesome job, and good to hear someone else developing some of the skills I'm working on.

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