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Day 26, still bloated!

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I'm feeling a bit frustrated as I am on day 26 and my bloating issues still have not gone down. My two main goals for doing the whole30 were to deal with my digestive/bowel issues and to reduce my bloating. I have had pretty good success with the digestive bowel issues, so i'm quite pleased with that, but my bloating has not reduced AT ALL.

To give a bit of background, I am 5'8 143 pounds, so a healthy weight and not looking to lose any, but the issue is I will start the day looking regular (i.e. not bloated) and by days end my stomach is so bloated that i honestly look like i am slightly pregnant (i'm not kidding, it actually gets that round). I eat according to the plan, I avoid nuts/seeds (only using them as an occasional sprinkling on a salad), and i do not use fruit as a primary food source (again, mainly as a condiment on a salad). I had hoped that my bloating would go down as my bowel issues improved, but that hasn't been the case at all.

I'm almost done my whole30 and am feeling frustrated and unsure of how to proceed with this issue. Any advice would be great.

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I didn't start to see a big difference in the bloating until the end. I was suggested to me that it might be a good idea to continue on with this style of eating. If you have been eating foods all your life that you react with unknowingly, or have a lot of healing that needs to take place, 30 days most likely will not be enough time. Seeing that you have seen some GI improvement I would give your body more time to heal. Also- do you eat a lot of onion or garlic? Do you have a food log here? Good luck :)

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A few suggestions ( to google or look into... I'm not going to be sciency)

-Take a Potassium supplement ( if you are lacking in magnesium you are also likely lacking in potassium) and a deficiency in potassium can lead to digestive upset including constipation and bloating etc etc...

Drink dandelion tea it is a mild diuretic.

Drinking lots and lots of water is good (perfect)!for balancing out the sodium and getting rid of the bloating ... But may be hard when bloating is uncomfortable.

- A temporary and sometimes heaven sent solution is to use an over the counter product that contains simethicone ( it busts up the bubbles in the "belly" and keeps bigger bubbles from forming.) FYI...simethicone is safe..It is used in drops for infants with colic ....

- Take a probiotic ( first thing in the am)

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I would definitely try adding in some probiotic foods like sauerkraut, kombucha or kimchi. Also, if you're not journaling, I'd suggest you do that. Make note of how you feel after each meal and see where the bloating starts. You may find a trigger food in there.

Finally, if you haven't had it checked out before, you might just check in with a doctor. Certain medical conditions warrant different W30 guidelines and that would be helpful for you to know.

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Thanks so much for the quick responses.

30Canadianaguia: I am thinking that extending my program might be a good idea. I think I will add at least another two weeks on to it. And yes I do eat a lot of onions and garlic, is that bad or good?

Bethann67: I have read on various forums that taking supplements might be a good idea. From what i've gathered if i'm understanding correctly is that i should look in to getting a magnesium supplement (Natural Calm was suggested), and potassium supplement, and a probiotic supplement (PB8 was suggested). Seems like a lot of supplements....but i guess if its necessary

Robin: I do keep a food journal, but i haven't really analyzed it to see fi there is a consistent food. The most consistent thing I eat is vegetables, with every meal of the day, so i'm not sure if they can cause bloating. I do have an appointment with a GI doctor, but they couldn't get me in until October, thus why i'm trying to do a bit of work on my own to figure it out.

If anyone can confirm that those three supplements are what i should be looking for, that would be great. thanks again for the suggestions

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I am technically on day 13 but restarted due to sugar added to my drink at Starbucks unknowingly so I say I'm on day 5. I am very bloated as well especially by the end of the day. I eat tons of vegetable and I am wondering if this is the reason why. I was doing wheat belly prior to this so my diet was pretty clean. Thanks in advanced for the advice!

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  • 2 months later...

I am sensitive to fodmaps and get lots of bloating from certain fruits, vegetables, starches and also coffee and fats... Coconut, avocado, ghee.. And possibly eggs. I also notice it can get worse as the day progresses.... If you don't want supplements monitor the above, perhaps starting with low bloat cooked vegetables like carrot, tomato, spinach, zucchini then adding some others in.

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