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Raised scar flattening out?

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I doubt this counts as troubleshooting, but I have no clue where else to put it!

I've had a raised scar on my forearm- a reddened bump about 1/8 inch in diameter- for the past 8 years. It's remained consistent in size, shape, and color the entire time. (And I hate it, but the derm says it's harmless.)

After 4 years of Primal eating, I am on Day 17 of my Whole 30- and I just noticed that my scar has suddenly flattened out somewhat, and blends into my skin more. Is there any way this could be linked, or am I losing my mind? Could it be reduced inflammation?

Googling only got me results on HOW to make a scar flatten out, not why it would suddenly do this on its own, so I am curious. (Also hopeful, as I have been eating the primal/paleo way for so long, and have yet to lose significant weight, even though I have a lot to lose- so I am hoping this is the missing link.) Theories are welcome- thanks in advance!

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Well, that is amazing news! Thanks for the quick reply. I have been so frustrated- I love the way I feel when eating like this, and it has solved a ton of health issues, but weight loss was never part of the deal, unfortunately. Hopefully this means my gut is finally healing- and I will need to keep vigilant about dairy, which I wasn't before. (Adios, cheese and butter...)

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That's amazing! And here I thought I was losing my mind. I just thought that, after a certain length of time, scars couldn't change. It will be interesting to see if anyone else has a similar experience. I never would have noticed, if mine wasn't in such a visible spot.

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My theory on this is that giving your body what it needs and removing damaging foods allows you to actually start absorbing nutrients.That's going to benefit all your organs, including your biggest one, your skin!

A lot of people think of scar tissue as dead tissue, and I get that, because often it can act like it. But nourishing your whole self can make enough "surplus" nutrition to renew parts you may have given up on. For me, it was improvement in a nerve damaged wrist that I was told would never change. For lots of people, it's scars and even tumors shrinking.

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