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Started 6 days ago (Apr 22nd)


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Hi !

I found ISWF while looking for a sustainable diet but faced how wrong I've been during many years. After the shock, I read again most of the book and double checked with paleo pro & cons available in the web. It was a total mindset change.

So, just started a whole30 five days ago. First two days where piece of cake (not literally :-)). I'm missing sandwiches (bread.... OMG I miss you!), pizza and beeer. Despite I'm not hungry, I have "that" feeling like I need to eat something else; it started to affect my mood.

Since monday, I'm having

- 8:30 breakfast, two eggs with red/yellow pepper slices, one portobello, one small onion, and few olives (small variations)

- 12:30 lunch & 21:00 dinner, palm size steak/chicken breast, grilled veggies (i.e.: carrots/onions/peppers/pumpkin/beetroot/globe squash/sweet potatoes) and use to eat a fruit after lunch.

Finally, a 1 1/2 hours of gym (including 30 min of aerobic at 140 hb/s, ~350 kcal).

Despite I've started with 40 pounds overweight (18 kg), my goal is to establish a healthy relationship with the food; I mean, a sustainable way, long term. I'm sure I will loose some dead weight meanwhile I walk on that way.

That's all.

pd: I'm trying to eat early at dinner....

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Hey Javier - great start! I also started on April 22nd and am excited we are on Day 6. I incorporated some meat into my breakfast today (previously just tried eggs and veggies). I definitely felt the benefit of adding meat into my morning routine, I had more energy. Good luck and keep posting! :)

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Yes, I agree about the meat at breakfast. It really helps to quell that hungry feeling and keep your energy going till lunch. Part of that, too, is that your body is used to being refueled by sugar every couple hours or so and it takes a few or several days to change that.

I was used to tracking my exercise but it's really nice to not track anything at all. You don't need to note the (estimated) calories you are burning.

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Going to complete first half of my first w30 and feeling great ! Just considering allergies improvement, w30 worth a try..... unveliable !

Few days ago I've discovered cronometer.com and recorded what I ate: only 1067 kcal


Next day (a rest day, no workout), I've tried a different approach by adding more fruit considering an extra at noon as I use to have dinner at 9-10pm:



Targets (i.e.: 189% proteins) are based on cronometer.com calculations, from Proteins 15%, Carbs 20%, Fat 65%. I've checked with other sources and seems to be accurate with other Paleo recommendations.

I'm not hungry, but seems that I'm running behind on fat according recommendations. Do I need to change anything on my menu ? I will take less fruit for sure.

Thanks !

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