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Hi everyone,

I've been Whole30/paleo for coming up on one year (yay!). I'm a doctoral student and have been taking medication for ADHD for 22 years (ritalin/concerta for 11 years and strattera for 11). I've heard that a number of people have had reduced symptoms on the Whole30 (my primary is inattention). While I've done two "official" Whole30s, I've never reintroduced foods without my medication.

Well, I'm taking comps in a few days and will then have an opportunity to finally take an extended break from the medication. I'll really like to stop taking it for good because none of these meds are ideal and all of them have really scary side-effects.

Here's my questions:

  • Does anyone know anything about ADHD and the Whole30 (not much in the testimonials section of the site)?
  • Should I try a Whole30 (with reintroduction) without meds?
  • Or should I do the autoimmune protocol without meds (I also have primary Raynaud's)?
  • Or is there someone elimination diet that would be better first off for someone in my shoes?

Also, I'd appreciate it if any who feel like ADHD is a scam or fake or whatever would kindly keep that to themselves. I can attest that it is very real...and debilitating. I wouldn't be who I am today without the medication, but I'm ready to move on and live a more free and healthy life.

Thanks so much, y'all! Best health community on the Web. Period.

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I stopped taking Ritalin (for innatentive type) at the exact same time I went gluten free. I improved then and managed well without medication. 4 months later, I gained more focus and concentration during my first month of w30, then improved even more during about a three week run of the autoimmune protocol. Now I am mostly W30/paleoish with dairy and alcohol and some sweetenings. I feel more adhd, though am managing my life well because it is stable and I have good systems in place. I'd like to be as calm and focused as I was while on AIP, but frankly I still enjoy my somewhat emotional ties to foods like wine, butter, bacon and chocolate, and coffee to do stay on AIP for an extended period. I think I will do it again in the near future. For me though, I know that my limits with "junk food" are very narrow and that there are some things that I just can't afford to eat (grains and eggs are the worst so far at scattering my brain). I believe there is a connection between a leaky gut and ADHD, which is inflammatory in nature.

Y'all :wub: I'm in Amarillo. And I agree with you, this is the best community on the web.

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I want to support you by acknowledging that I definitely know that ADHD is a real condition. I want to say how inspiring it is to see someone take control of his life by going to school and taking his meds. I have it, too but I have not been on meds for any great length of time since the side effects are terrible for my anxiety issues (although, admittedly, I haven't tried them all). I experienced an increase in my attention as well as a general brightening of my mood after W30. Maybe you could do an autoimmune protocol W30 without meds since you'll have that break coming up and see how you feel. They really like to see you on the autoimmune protocol for 90 days, though, I think. Whatever you choose, I wish you the very best.

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If you have been doing whole 30 while taking your ADHD meds I would (will 😊) do the reintroduction ... Medicated , in order to get valid results ( ie I know I'm a hot mess off meds, but dont know if bagels worsen my symptoms or cause other problems)

I have noticed an improvement of my ADHD on whole 30 (during a generic adderall shortage last year and went without and i was a hot mess... And pretty mean) so I lknow meds help . But I still struggle with forgetfulness, getting started (and following through) .. And the anxiety it creates...WHILE MEDICATED! But This month I am calmer and my mood and energy levels are stable, i am sleeping better ( not ruminating in lieu of zzzz's ) and "bumps in the road" don't disrail me. (Piss me off)

One of my goals for whole 30 is to not need pharmaceuticals for ADHD, And i believe diet (especially staying away from sugar 😂and wheati) is the best way to achieve a drug free life... and doing a whole 30 a great start! But I personally will be refilling my prescription ... For now!

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My ADHD son does much better on WH 30 diet than not! His teachers notice, and my husband and I can definitely tell a difference in behavior, focus and mood. When we originally took gluten and dairy out of his diet years ago, he came down on his med dosage. He still takes meds, but less. Good luck!! I think the brain works best on real wholesome food!! :)

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Hi, I'm glad you posted. My daughter has adhd. I've been doing paleo on and off but haven't fully switched the kids to being grain free. I'm determined to keep her off meds. We tried concerta and it was a horrible experience, but it did help her at school. I've been giving her krill oil, b complex, and a children's magnesium/calcium/zinc supplement. They seem to be helping. I'd like to try the gaps protocol diet this summer to see if it helps. I think it would take more than the whole 30 to make a difference. A friend of mine is an editor and gave me a chapter on adhd that was in a natural medical journal. It had some great info on supplements. If anyone is interested, send me a message.

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GAPS is more intense. I've thought about doing it myself and putting my son on it. (He's only 5 but shows signs of ADHD, my husband was one of the first groups of kids to be put on Ritalin and I've never met a task I couldn't leave incomplete so ??)

Gluten is definitely a killer when it comes to ADD. I notice big changes with everyone eating meat vs oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast.

I have to run but I'm subbing this thread and will probably ramble on with more thoughts later.

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And, yeah, I don't think anyone on this forum would attack you or insinuate you have a condition that's "not real." It's not that kind of party!

But I've looked into GAPS a little more. It seems to borrow from a WAPF (Weston Price) type WOE, with a focus on bone broth and fermented veg. The variation from W30 is that you want to take out starchy veg and many fruits. The idea is to heat the gut, and from the gut will stem the psychological healing. I'm considering starting it. Or more W30. Or AIP. I cannot decide and I must be make the perfect decision always so I make no decision. ;)

This site is super interesting and informative, if you have some time to digest it I highly recommend: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolutionary-psychiatry/201304/sunlight-and-adhd

I wish she was my doc.

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