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So Tired, dizzy and I feel sick

Anita Miron

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Help!!! I am on day 11 of the whole 30 and as of yesterday I have hit a serious wall. First let me preface with what is going on in my life: I am breast feeding once a day. I feed my daughter at night. I am also a fitness instructor and I workout daily. By 4:00 pm I am wasted. It is hard to do basic activities. It is hard to think straight. I drink nearly 70 oz water a day, and green tea. I am eating 1 sweet potato a day, 1/2 cup of walnuts, 1 avocado, 1 cup of strawberries, and a banana on top of my 3 servings of protein and 4 servings of veggies. I figured the working out and breast feeding warranted the extra carbs. I barely have enough energy to care to get up and make my food. I cant think straight. I almost feel sick. I have a massive headache and I almost feel depressed. This last year I lost 55 lbs with Shakeology, beachbody programs, and clean eating. I was able to get off of the antidepressants I was on 2 months ago.

Am I missing something? Am I not eating enough carbs? I know I am eating plenty of food. I am stuffed. My body just feels wasted. I normally have a lot of energy. I decided to take this challenge to break a plateau and break some bad habits (wine at night, chocolate, sweet tooth).

Help me! Im so close to quitting. Is this normal?

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Uh, I kind of need a big long nap after reading all of that, without even living it. I agree with Tom. I bet after a day off you'll be rested enough to understand how exhausted you are. One of the main signs of severe sleep deprivation is the inability to recognize that you are sleep deprived. (I remember this well from when my girls were babies. Argh.)

Do less. Go for it. ;):wub:

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I'm new at this so I'm not sure how "kosher" my take is...but looking at what you counted as extras, I wonder if you might want to try like two sweet potatoes, and more fat...?

I'm really sorry you are feeling so exhausted. As I was reading your post, I felt exhausted too! I am a breastfeeding mom as well and know it can take a toll.

I hope you start to feel better soon...

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I'm with the above. You might just be straight out exhausted. You also might not be eating enough food, overall. Maybe post a sample day and see if anyone notices anything that seems like it could be improved? I know a lot of people on here eat more than one serving per meal, for example, and the amount of vegetables per meal is pretty high (I usually do 1 cup with breakfast, 1.5-2 cups at lunch, and 3ish cups at dinner, for example).

Also, if you work out daily, do you mean 7 days a week? The sense I've gotten from reading other people's posts here is that a schedule like that can really grind you down. I don't know what optimal looks like -- I'm sure some other folks have ideas -- as I'm sort of light on fitness activites (ie, I do yoga twice a week, a short Zumba session twice a week, and walk a couple miles most days).

And, finally, it is totally possible to be exhausted while sleeping 8 hours a night -- some people just need more sleep, or if you have a sleep debt, it might take a while to catch up.

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I'm new at this so I'm not sure how "kosher" my take is...but looking at what you counted as extras, I wonder if you might want to try like two sweet potatoes, and more fat...?

I'm really sorry you are feeling so exhausted. As I was reading your post, I felt exhausted too! I am a breastfeeding mom as well and know it can take a toll.

I hope you start to feel better soon...

Baker, I think your take is perfectly kosher. And I agree. Maybe add it another starchy veg and get those fats in.

It's suggested elsewhere that if your are BFing you might do four meals. That would be four meals following the template--including added fat! Fat is critical so don't skimp on it. When I eat a meal late or don't have sufficient fat, that's when I start feeling dizzy and weak.

That said I found myself needing a nap around that point in the W30, and I'm not doing all the stuff you are doing!

I may be reading you wrong, but it strikes me that you are possibly getting caught up on measuring things (half cup this, servings of that). It's hard to break up with old habits of measuring and counting, but you want to be eating till you are satisfied. If that means you need two palm sized portions of protein or an entire avocado with a meal, then that's what you feed yourself.

If you are a high activity person--which it sure sounds like you are--a single palm-sized portion of protein at each meal isn't going to cut it. And I also agree that you might want to cut down on your workouts while your body adapts to this new way of fueling yourself.

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I feel after 6 days very similar.I would say flu symptoms. Although I am experiencing no appetite I which sounds a bit different than your experience.

I have no great ideas for my issues and likewise for yours. I just wanted to say that I support your ever gaining knowledge about yourself and your nutrition and am amazed at all you do and have on your plate work and recreation wise. You are a role model of drive and energy

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