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Today is the day!

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I was planning on re-introducing gluten-free grains today....well, wouldn't you know it....I don't have anything I the house I can have with breakfast! :D. I plan on having organic corn tortilla chips with Guac at a party tonight so do you think I can eat 3 servings of chips then? LOL!

In all seriousness, it just goes to show that the choices I make when shopping have definitely changed! Even though I knew this was coming up, when I went to the store I was all about Whole30 foods! Besides, I don't think there is enough room on my plate for all those other things! ;)

Am I the only one who failed to plan for re-introduction??

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That's awesome!! I think re-introduction is more for people who are planning on incorporating the off plan foods back into their diet, so they want to see how each effects them. If you are happy eating the Whole30 way then more power to you! Congratulations :)

I am really happy with the Whole30 template and don't really have any plans to go "off roading" unless there is something in the future that I might like to try. Yay for us!!

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We have had similar problems here, too! We have been done for several weeks, but the only thing we'd reintroduced was milk (it didn't go well for me AT ALL, so I have given up dairy for now. I would eat a piece of pizza if it was in front of me--totally worth it). Finally at some point last week I cooked rice for a sick child and thought, "oh I can intro rice now!" Also remembered to buy some organic tortilla chips last week and had those with a taco salad. I was very hesitant to add back gluten grains, because I was feeling so good. We hosted 14 kids for a pre-prom dinner the other night. I finally broke down and ate some pita chips--no bad effects that I can feel. Will try bread tonight or tomorrow to see how that goes. Figuring out that milk makes my seasonal allergy symptoms worse was well worth the effort of the Whole30! My college-aged child is planning to give up dairy for a month after finals are done (kid comes home Saturday!!) to see if it helps with seasonal allergies (that kid and I share many allergies--maybe a dairy sensitivity is there, too).

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We don't have that problem here...I just rarely want them (it's crazy!).

We have glutinous stuff here...but I waited several weeks after my 30 was up before I tried anything with gluten, and it was while I was out and was tired of finding somewhere I could eat something. Even now, the crackers and such aren't tempting at all. Unless I'm out at a ceremony (there are a lot of them now) and there is cake. But last week's debacle with stomach aches and cake burps for four hours (at least I tasted cake and not the veggies I had afterward!)...I might have finally kicked the habit.

Gluten-free grains (other than eating corn as a "veggie" - that doesn't get digested in my system at all so I avoid that...cornbread is fine though, just gotta grind it up!), though, I'm still not eating it too often. Hubby and I got GF Wildberry buckwheat waffles from the freezer section today as a treat...but most of my meals are still close to compliant with a touch of dairy and legumes (love me my hommus, and it doesn't bother at all).

Am I the only person who has found that homemade Chinese or Indian food on top of rice tastes boring? The exact same recipe of butter chicken on rice is weird compared to on top of sweet potato mash and/or a cauli/carrot/broccoli mix.

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Today is my day 30! And honestly all this time (right since day 1) I've been craving a piece of toast, but I've decided to wait on that. I'm going to reintroduce brown rice and some simple dairy (yogurt, hard cheese, and that latte I've been dying for!) over the next few days.

This weekend my boyfriend wants to treat me to my favourite gourmet pizza so I'm looking forward to that and will eat compliant around it so I can make sure to feel my best!

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